"Rydel, it's been a couple of months. The fans knew before we did. Why don't we tell them about our relationship?" This was the first thing Ellington said to her as he entered her room that morning to see her doing her hair and makeup.Rydel literally dropped her lipstick at this sudden suggestion, turning around to face Ellington, incredulous at the idea.
"Exactly. It's been a few months. I don't know how they'll react." Rydel says, using a stern tone.
"Rydel, you know 90% of the fans want us together, and the rest either don't care or want one of us with someone else." Ellington says, approaching Rydel and grabbing her hands in his.
"I'll think about it." Rydel says, squeezing his hands lightly before turning back around, smiling at him in the mirror.
"Can we tell them now? We're filming the documentary today."
"Not yet, Ellington."
"Rydel? Is it the right time?"
The next day, Rydel wrote a post for Tumblr, and posted a link to it on Twitter:
Hey R5Family! How have all of you been? Life on tour has been great, being on the road again feels amazing. But, I have something extremely important to tell all of you. As all of you have suspected, something has been going on between me and a certain someone. That someone just happens to be Ellington. Me and Ellington have been in a relationship for a year today, and kissed for the first time over two years ago. Ellington was in fact my first kiss, as many of you suspected. I'm sure this comes as a little surprise to most of you. I hope you can be happy for us, and if you don't like it, can at least support our happiness.
Xx, Rydel
The responses were mixed, especially on Twitter:
@rikerR5: One way or another, it was bound to happen between Rydel and Ellington
@rossR5: I knew it before all of you
@ratliffR5: so glad to finally have this secret out
@rylandR5: if you hurt my sister in any way @ratliffR5 I swear...
Though, their favorite response would have to be Rocky's:
@rockyR5: I knew it before either of you knew it
He would always be the captain of the Rydellington ship.
Just a little something for all of you.

Rydellington Oneshots (Discontinued)
FanfictionDo you enjoy reading scenarios about the relationship between Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff? Do you enjoy having your heart fill with so many feels that its like it's about to explode? Do you enjoy fluff that's so fluffy a unicorn would enjoy it...