This isn't really Rydellington but I had nowhere else I could post it
Warnings: the ending is quite depressing, so prepare yourself
Prompt: Where are the realistic apocalyptic stories in the perspective of teenage girls? They would be thinking about idols, not their family. Honestly.
Prompt requested by: @IWannaSeeChuSmileR5 (aka myself)
She couldn't believe herself. The was literally ending and all she could think about was her favorite band; R5. What was going to become of Ross? Of Riker? Rydel? Rocky? Ellington? Ryland? All the girls? Were they dead? The thing is, that was all Calista could think about. She knew she couldn't die peacefully until she knew. They had saved her life countless times. They felt like family to her. It was as if her own siblings or cousins were nowhere to be found in the apocalypse. With all forms of communication down, no one knew what became of anyone who wasn't with them at the time it happened. The moon had been knocked out of orbit, and the world was in chaos. It had affected everyone on the planet, and she knew from early reports coastal towns were completely wiped out. NASA hadn't seen it coming. They had no idea that this meteor could've had the power to do such a thing. They didn't know one meteor that had been traveling its course for thousands of years could end the entire world. Who knew the entire end of the world would rely on a chunk of space garbage?
But people were going crazy. Grocery stores were being ransacked, houses robbed of their food supplies. There seemed to be no more authority in the world. No government. No organization. And for Calista, that was enough to make her go crazy.
Her parents didn't understand. They went on about how she should be glad her immediate family was okay, but she couldn't accept just that. R5 were her idols. She couldn't not know what had happened to them. They seemed like immediate family to her. Her mother never would know the feeling of not knowing the fate of someone who saved you.
"Calista, be appreciative that you have so much family left!" Her mother yelled at her one day.
"I do appreciate that you guys are still alive. God, mom! Don't you ever wonder what happened to those actors in those movies you watched all the time? Because R5 meant the world to me, and they were on tour in another country, so they'll probably never come home, mom! How am I supposed to just accept that?" Calista felt a sob coming on, but she held it back. She wasn't going to cry just so her mother could judge and make fun of her.
"Calista, they were just people who would never know of your existence." She hated how her mother used past tense, as if she already knew they were dead or had no chance of survival.
"Mom, they might not be dead. There's no guarantee that they are dead. What proof of their deaths do you have?" She knew her mother had none except that they were in a coastal town when all of it happened. They might have gotten out before it happened for all her mother knew.
"They were having a concert in Milwaukee, which is full of water." Wait, what? Calista had thought they were in Europe. She then realized that she hadn't been on Twitter for at least a month when it happened. She hadn't even known where they were. They were goners.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. This was the first visitor they had gotten since everything had happened.
"I'll get it!" Calista called, racing to the door before any of her other family members could stop her. When she opened the door, she saw someone she wasn't expecting to see; her best friend.
"Oh my God! Em!" She screamed happily, embracing her tightly.
"Cal! I wasn't sure if you guys would still be here." Em replied, smiling as she embraced her tightly in return.
"My mom wants to stay as long as possible." Calista replies, pulling away from their hug and smiling brightly at her best friend. She dragged her to her room, ignoring the questions from her family as she locked the door.
"Did you go on Twitter that night?" Calista asked Em immediately, wanting to know any information she had.
"Did you not? What happened with that band of yours was trending more than the meteor hitting the moon. The girl, Rydel is her name, right? Well, she announced that her and the drummer had gotten married a year prior to that day, and that Rydel was pregnant. It was crazy. They were on their way to Colorado at the time, so they were most likely somewhere in the midwest when it happened. They're probably fine, Calista." Em said, smiling at her in reassurance.
And now, even though she knew she was probably going to die sooner than she would if things were normal, that they would eventually run out of food, that they would eventually have to leave, that she would most likely lose majority of her family, and so many other horrible things, she could finally die peacefully because she knew for sure; R5 was ok. Her idols were doing just fine.
Em knew it was horrible to lie about things like this to her best friend, but she had to. Maybe Rydel was really pregnant, but hadn't admitted it yet. There was always the possibility. She wanted her best friend to be happy. Even though she had heard on their battery powered radio that the entire band had been reported dead, including everyone on the tour bus with them due to a horrible accident, that was okay. Life was horrible, but such a lie could help her best friend find a little bit of happiness in such hard times.
I'm horrible and I'm not sorry. *bows* just put yourself in Calista's position and your favorite music artist or idol in the place of R5, and you're brokenhearted. Literally how all apocalyptic stories in the perspectives of teenage girls should go, honestly.

Rydellington Oneshots (Discontinued)
FanfictionDo you enjoy reading scenarios about the relationship between Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff? Do you enjoy having your heart fill with so many feels that its like it's about to explode? Do you enjoy fluff that's so fluffy a unicorn would enjoy it...