Terrible example I made of what the barcode is on the side
Basically I got this idea from someone else (i don't remember who so credit to them for the idea) and it's where everyone has a barcode number on their wrist and when you find your soulmate, you have matching barcodes and yeah. Here we go.
Update: so I realized this might count as copying but then realized that 1) I didn't claim the idea, I clearly gave credit and 2) I looked it up on Tumblr and found it was a prompt someone made up and asked someone to write one so I'm obviously not that first person to write something like this.
That was the one number Rydel was sure she would never forget. She repeated this over and over inside her head as she peaked around the corner, taking in all of the barcodes she could see. Almost everyone wore something to cover their barcodes, unless they were desperate. Rydel's best friend, Madelyn, didn't believe in the barcode system, so she always wore something to cover hers. She always believed that you'll fall in love with who you want, not with someone that a silly number says you would like. Though Rydel covered hers on principle of being nervous to find her soulmate, she always looked at others. There were those who didn't seem to care about the fact that their soulmate could be in the room, and there were those who were looking at the wrists of others anxiously, wondering whether someone belonged with them.
A certain number caught her eye, and Rydel felt her eyes widen. She examined the numbers, and read them off silently to herself.
Rydel felt her heart sink, yet felt relieved. This barcode had a one number difference, meaning they were a close match to her soulmate.
Though some strong believers in soulmates thought that you should search for as long as it takes you to find your soulmate, the government believed that those with a one number difference could also be compatible and have their barcodes changed in order to feel more comfortable together. Rydel, honestly, felt like if your whole barcode was different, it shouldn't matter. You loved who you loved, you couldn't help it.
"Earth to Rydel." Her best friend says, approaching her from behind.
Ryde jumps slightly, turning around to meet Maddie's eyes.
"Yes?" Rydel asks, trying to play off the fact that she was looking for her soulmate.
"Rydel, I know you were looking for him. Don't wait for some silly guy who you might never find to take a chance at love." Maddie says, smiling sympathetically at Rydel.
"You know what, Maddie? I'm going to prove you wrong. I will find my soulmate, and I will prove that I have a perfect match."
Within the next two days, Rydel had somehow convinced her brothers to take two months off from the band in order for her to travel around, looking for her soulmate. Though they wouldn't allow her to go alone, none of them wanted to go, so they instead were forcing her best friend, Ellington, to go along.
"Do you have everything packed?" Ellington asked her, loading all of their bags into the car.
"Yes, and I am ready to travel across the country." They both climb into the car, setting off on their journey across America.
They had absolutely no luck in Arizona or New Mexico. Neither did they have in Texas or Oklahoma. They found some close matches in both Missouri and Illinois, followed by nothing in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey. They arrived in New York, but had no luck."Rydel, I've been meaning to tell you something." Ellington says, looking down slightly as they sit on a bench together, Rydel looking over a map. They were in the midst of New York City, people rushing by and buildings towering over them.
"Hmm?" Rydel asks, not looking up from her map.
"Well the other night, I went on that website where you can enter your barcode, and it tells you whether your soulmate is alive, or something like that..." Ellington trails off, causing Rydel to look up.
"What are you going on about, Ellington?"
"Well, I sort of looked up your barcode. And your soulmate is married with a two year old daughter. He lives in Alaska. He's been married to his wife since they turned 18, and his number changed a while ago." Ellington rushes out in monotone, trying not to upset Rydel.
"Ellington- why didn't you tell me!?" Rydel tells at him, standing up from the bench.
"I didn't want to upset you, okay? We were having fun on this road trip, it was just that the main goal was for you to find your soulmate." Ellington says calmly, trying to soothe her.
"You should understand how I feel, Ellington! Don't you want to find your soulmate?" Rydel asks him, anger still evident in her voice.
"Rydel. It's different." Ellington mumbles, tucking his wrists further into his sleeves.
"Ellington, what's up?" Rydel asks, all the anger gone from her voice as she sits down next to him.
"I never had a barcode, Rydel. My wrists were blank, and the doctors said it was rare, but it does happen. I told people when I was younger, but I eventually covered it because of the teasing. I don't have a perfect match, Rydel. I never will." Ellington glances up at her, and sees her smiling slightly at him. Before he knows what's happening, her lips are on his, kissing him gently. It was both of their first kisses, so neither knowing what to do, they kissed slowly, before pulling away. Ellington looks down at his wrist, before smiling up at Rydel at what had not been etched into his skin until a few seconds ago.
The day they got back, the first thing they made sure to do was prove their point. Rydel made her way slowly to Maddie's house, smirking slightly to herself as she pulled in the driveway, climbing out of the car, with Ellington following behind her. They grab eachother a hands, walk to the door, and knock slowly. As soon as Maddie opens the door, they both hold up their wrists in unison, smiling at eachother as Maddie reads them to herself, registering it.
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Soo.... Idek what that was. Some idea I saw some author do in a Phan short story, but I changed it up a bit with adding some small details. Basically the same main storyline, with a different ending. Hope you liked it!

Rydellington Oneshots (Discontinued)
FanfictionDo you enjoy reading scenarios about the relationship between Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff? Do you enjoy having your heart fill with so many feels that its like it's about to explode? Do you enjoy fluff that's so fluffy a unicorn would enjoy it...