Warnings: death, grief, panic attacks
Prompt: Rydel comforts Ellington when his grandfather passes away.
(Which R.I.P. to Ellington's actual grandfather, it's a bit late but better late than never)
Requested by: rydellington12
He couldn't believe what he had just been told. It couldn't be true. He couldn't really be dead, could he? He had just seen him recently, and the band was on tour. It couldn't have happened. As the words began to sink in, he dropped his phone to the ground, the tears beginning to roll down his face as Rydel runs over to him, embracing him tightly.
Ellington, your grandfather passed away late last night.
"Ellington, what's wrong?" He could barely hear her as the tears started streaming down his face, sobs escaping his mouth.
Rydel was slightly afraid to know what had happened. Ellington had never broken down like this in front of her or her brothers. It must be serious. He usually created walls to keep his sadness inside, and he never burst. This was actually the first time Rydel had ever seen him cry.
"M-my grandpa..." Ellington trails off, his sobs becoming louder and louder as they begin to thicken.
"Ellington, please. Tell me what happened." Rydel says calmly, embracing him tightly.
"H-he's dead." Ellington says, his sobs turning into heavy breathing.
"It's going to be okay. Ellington, I need you to breathe. Otherwise, you're going to have a panic attack." Rydel says softly, rubbing his back in an attempt to calm him.
But Ellington is too upset, and begins to not be able to breathe. His breathing becomes erratic, and he can't take in or let out an entire breath. His eyes widen and he begins to freak out, not helping the situation in any way as sobs still escape him.
"Ellington, calm down. Deep breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth." Rydel says gently, continuing to rub his back as his breathing levels out slightly.
Eventually, he's breathing normally, and his sobs have stopped, with only few tears making their way down his face.
"Thank you, Rydel." His voice is quiet, and is slightly shaking.
"It's all going to be alright. You'll live through this. He lived a full life that he deserved." Rydel says, pulling Ellington closer to her.
"Sing to me?" Ellington asks quietly, his voice still quivering.
Ellington was serenaded to sleep by the sound of Rydel's beautiful voice singing Repeating Days.
Short, yet sweet. It's all I could really think of. Two more prompts to go. Request them now if you have any more! Also, I am not trying to say that having panic attacks is a good thing. Because it's not. Having panic attacks sucks, trust me.

Rydellington Oneshots (Discontinued)
FanfictionDo you enjoy reading scenarios about the relationship between Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff? Do you enjoy having your heart fill with so many feels that its like it's about to explode? Do you enjoy fluff that's so fluffy a unicorn would enjoy it...