Warnings: relationship problems, cheating, angst
"Rydel, even I'm not sure how we made it this far."
He couldn't believe himself. What in his right mind told him to break a bond with such an amazing girl? Rydel was the love of his life. Or so he thought. He wasn't sure when it happened, but somehow, it did. He fell out of love, which he didn't even know was possible until it happened.
It all began when he met her.
"I am so sorry, sir." The girl smiled tentatively at him, clearly not sure if he was going to act irrational about their encounter.
She was beautiful. Maybe not Rydel level of beautiful, but it was undeniable that she could compete. Though, her quirkiness was what caught his attention first. She was small, which was a change for once. Shorter than him. He was so used t Rydel being taller than him, that it was weird for there to be a girl he associated with that was shorter and wasn't a fan. She had brown hair, and blue eyes. Also an opposite of what he was used to. He was used to being surrounded by blondes with brown eyes. She stuck out to him. She wore glasses, and seemed shy. He hung out with outgoing people constantly; it was once again strange to find such a person.
"You're fine, hun." He found himself responding softly, smiling at her. He had gained the habit of calling everyone by pet names from Rydel, so it seemed like nothing. She seemed young, so he didn't want to mess with her.
"Thank God. I thought you were going to be insane about me running into you. My little sister likes your band. I'm not really into pop, though." Ellington immediately felt himself shut down, knowing she knew who he was.
"That's cool. You're not required to like our music. I guess it's just a matter of taste." Ellington replied, slightly offended that she had insulted his passion.
"I like alternative. Your more rock music is cool, though. I'm Alyssa, but I prefer Lyssa." Another thing he wasn't used to? Pronouncing a name that didn't start with R.
In the beginning, Ellington did mean for it to only be a harmless friendship. He was happy with Rydel. He was content. He was touring the world with his girlfriend, and it was amazing. He loved Rydel. Though, her and Lyssa hated eachother.
"Rydel, me and Alyssa are just friends." Ellington tried to assure Rydel one night, knowing she was jealous of their friendship.
"I know. I don't think you would ever cheat on me, Ellington. I just get a bad vibe from her." Rydel says, twirling her hair in her fingers as she trails off. Ellington rolled his eyes at how evident her jealousy was. Why couldn't she be happy that he had more friends than just her and her family?
"Whatever." He mumbles in response, playing with his fingers.
He should've promised Rydel that he would never hurt her, but you can't help falling in love.
"Oh my God, Ellington." It should've felt so, so wrong, but it felt oh so great. Kissing a girl who wasn't his girlfriend should've felt wrong. He shouldn't have felt sparks. He shouldn't have wanted to do this.
"Lyssa." He moans in response, kissing her neck lightly, making sure to leave no marks.
"I love you, Ellington..." She trailed, pulling back and looking into his eyes deeply. Lustfully. Needy.
"I-I can't do this..." Ellington stutters out, suddenly remembering how wrong all of this was. He thought he lived Rydel, but it was evident that he just couldn't face the truth. He couldn't keep this from Rydel. He had to tell her, even if it tore the band apart.
"Uh, Rydel? Can we talk?" Ellington asked her nervously a week later, finally getting alone time with her.
"Of course." She replied, smiling brightly as him. They entered their hotel room, and Ellington immediately broke down.
"I fucked up, Rydel. I fucked up so bad.." He sobbed out as Rydel pulled him into a hug. He wanted to push her away, but he couldn't. He never had been able to.
"Ellington, what's wrong? You couldn't have done something that bad..." Rydel trails, rubbing circles into his back gently.
He pulled away from her embrace, staring deeply into her eyes before saying it. "I cheated, Rydel. I kissed Lyssa. I fell out of love with you Rydel, and fuck, I feel horrible about it. You'll always be my best friend. I'll always love you, it's just... Not in that way. God, why did this have to happen? Why did I have to be such a dick?" He says incredulously, sobbing as he did so. He couldn't believe how pathetic he was.
"Goodbye, Ellington." Rydel was a broken shell of a person. He broke her. Rydel was empty. He watched as she slowly fell apart, and then left. He didn't follow her. He didn't deserve an explanation.
The next day, Riker came in his room and tried to attack him. Rydel must have spread the news to the boys. She trailed in after him, screaming at him to stop. Riker told him he was out of the band.
Ellington Ratliff never saw Rydel Lynch or Alyssa Matthews after that day.
What a fûcking dickface. Fictional Ellington sucks, doesn't he? Ell may be my fave in real life, but I make him an ass in my stories. He's actually quite the sweetheart. Love you real life Ellington <3 hope you all liked this angsty hot mess of a oneshot

Rydellington Oneshots (Discontinued)
FanfictionDo you enjoy reading scenarios about the relationship between Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff? Do you enjoy having your heart fill with so many feels that its like it's about to explode? Do you enjoy fluff that's so fluffy a unicorn would enjoy it...