This is a prompt I found on Pinterest, pic of the prompt on the side. Also, i might still do an entire story for the fourth book in the Dear_________ series, but this is to hold you off for now. Basically, if you haven't read that series, you'll have no idea what's going on, because this comes after the third book. Italics is Ellington. Bold is Rydel.
She was not looking forward to visiting her grandparents. They lived far out in the middle of nowhere, and wouldn't give the Wi-Fi password until you did something to earn it. Rose would rather spend time with her mother than visit her grandparents. And in her opinion, her mother was extremely obnoxious, so this was a hard thing to choose between. But as her mother pulled into her grandparents driveway, and her phone lost signal, Rose already felt her heart sinking.
"You will be fine, Rosabella." Her mother, Raelyn, says as she stops the car, turning to face her 16 year old daughter.
"Mom, Delly and Ell are weird." Raelyn replies, frowning. When Rose tried to call them grandma and grandpa, they declined and told her to call them by their first names. Or, rather, their nicknames. They claimed that they weren't that old, which was true; Raelyn had Rosabella when she was 18, which was relatively young.
"Your grandparents aren't that weird." Raelyn says, smiling sympathetically at her daughter.
"Mom, they totally are." Rose replies, sighing in annoyance.
"Sweetie, you'll be fine. It's just one day."
Rose was sitting alone in her grandparents house, as they were out on their daily walk. They had invited her to come, to which she politely declined, because she figured she might as well try and find the Wi-Fi router to figure out the password.
As soon as they left, she began searching, and found it on a desk in the office, but there was also a notebook sitting on the desk, which was shocking since there was nothing else on the desk aside from a computer. Being a curious person, Raelyn picked up the journal, opened it, and was shocked to find several entries in both her grandfathers and grandmothers handwriting.
August 9, 2008
Rydel, you looked absolutely gorgeous today. It was your birthday. You were turning the same age as me, due to the four month gap. We were all going out for dinner and you were wearing a gorgeous dress. It showed that you spent a lot of time on how you looked. It made you look gorgeous. Though, you're stunning without all of the makeup, and work to make yourself look nice. You're just a naturally gorgeous person. Sometimes, it hurts to know that you're not mine. I shouldn't say this because I have a girlfriend, but I love you, Rydel Mary Lynch.
August 9, 2008
Ellington, I don't know what I did to deserve not being able to have what I want. You brought her to my birthday dinner. Of course I was jealous. It's my birthday, and the guy I love brought another girl to celebrate. I wish it could be me you have your arm around. I wish it could be me you mess with. I wish it could be me you kiss so passionately, with so much love and affection. I wish you were mine. And I can't stop thinking about it.
December 29, 2008
It's Ross' birthday, and New Years Eve is tomorrow. It's too bad I have a girlfriend, because I would kiss you at midnight. You always looks so beautiful, and I don't know why I do this to Kelly. She's such a nice girl, and she most definitely doesn't deserve a boyfriend who constantly thinks about another girl. I think I'm going to break up with her. I'm not sure yet. She tells me she loves me all the time, and I never say it back. I can tell it's hurting her. But I don't want to break her heart.
August 28, 2013
You and Kelly broke up. It's been a few years since I began liking you, and it shouldn't feel good that another girl got her heart broken. It makes me seem so selfish. But I did something I shouldn't have done. I asked you to kiss me. You declined, and it's now confirmed that you don't like me in that way. I was so pumped from the show, and all of the boys were there. It was so embarrassing, I have no idea why I did it. The boys took it as a joke, but I was completely serious.
September 3, 2013
I did something I shouldn't have done last night. I kissed you. I stole your first kiss. It deserved to be with someone you love. You assured me that you liked it, and that you've liked me for a while, but we haven't spoken since. I can hear everyone waking up. We're going to have to talk sometime soon.
June 11, 2018
Last night, you asked me to marry you. I couldn't believe it, but of course I accepted it. I can't believe such a perfect man wants to be with me. You're so amazing, Ellington, and sometimes I forget you're a real person. Not some imaginary boy from a book. Who knew some real life boys could be so sweet? You did it in such a romantic way. It was so cheesy, but I've always been a sucker for anything cheesy. You left little notes around the house saying if I was getting hotter or colder to where you wanted me to go. When I found you, you kissed me, and asked me to marry you. I of course said yes. You're amazing. I love you, Ellington Lee Ratliff.
Raelyn smiles, and realizes that her grandparents aren't that weird after all; they're just starry eyed lovers who still have the hearts of the teens they once were.
I got feels writing that idk what's going on with my emotions I was almost crying while reading happy fanfics earlier... Hope you enjoyed!

Rydellington Oneshots (Discontinued)
FanfictionDo you enjoy reading scenarios about the relationship between Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff? Do you enjoy having your heart fill with so many feels that its like it's about to explode? Do you enjoy fluff that's so fluffy a unicorn would enjoy it...