Their ages are slightly changed in this... Riker is eight years older than Rydel instead of their age difference irl. Besides that, the ages are the same, just with Riker being older. Also, Ellington lived in Colorado with them, and they moved. Basically, they know Ellington from Colorado, not Cali. No warnings, because for once this one is actually happy! Enjoy.
Brown eyes. Pale skin. Blonde hair in curls. These were the things Ellington remembered most about his childhood. He could sift through every single memory, but the ones of the young girl who was once his best friend were the first to come to mind.
He didn't remember her actual name. He always remembered calling her Delly. Their family had moved when she was only young. Her and Ellington were best friends from the time they were toddlers until they were eight years old. That was when her oldest brother, Riker, decided he wanted to move to California. He was 16 at the time, eight years older than Delly.
He remembered the years after, completely forgetting her. They had made a promise when they were young, one that he had remembered.
"Elly?" They were sitting in Rydel's backyard, the heat causing both of them to sweat. After a long winter it had finally warmed up, and both were ecstatic. They knew summer was coming, which was the most exciting time of year for their antics.
"Yeah Delly?" Ellington asks, playing with Rydel's light pink dress.
"Riker says he wants to move to California." They had recently learned about the states in school, but Ellington couldn't quite remember where that was. As far as he knew, it was just far away from Colorado.
"Why does he want to do that?" Ellington let go of the hem of her dress and began to nervously pluck the grass. After a long harsh winter, the grass was finally green again.
"He wants to be famous." Del replied. Ellington looked at her and noticed that she looked extremely curious. What would happen if her brother became famous?
"Is your mom gonna move you guys?" Ellington asks, upset with the fact that he might not have a best friend anymore.
"I think so. She didn't say." Delly says sadly, pouting.
"I hope you don't move."
"I hope so too."
Both of their dreams were crushed when that summer, the Lynches moved to California for Riker to begin his career. Ellington begged his parents to move with the Lynches, but they said no. They couldn't afford to move to California.
Ellington grew up. He made other friends, but none of them were as memorable as Delly. He was soon a teenager. He got girlfriends. Had sex. Hell, he even experimented with boys. He was bullied for being okay with the experimentation. He became depressed. As soon as he graduated high school, he didn't go to college. He worked three jobs to raise money to move. Eventually, he had enough money saved for a cheap apartment on the outskirts of Los Angeles, California. So he bought a plane ticket, and he moved. He found a job that made more money than his last three jobs combined. It was as a producer at a record label. One day, three boys and a girl came in to try for a record deal. They seemed familiar.
The girl seemed especially familiar. Blonde hair. Brown eyes. Tan skin. The three boys looked slightly familiar. The two blondes especially.
"I'm Ellington Ratliff." Ellington said, shaking the hands of each of them.
"I'm Riker Lynch. These are my siblings Ross, Rocky, and Rydel." When Ellington heard their names, he was in shock.
"You're the Lynches!"
That was the day his life felt as if it fell back in place.
So as he sat on Christmas day, surrounded by his wife, his children, and his family, all he can think about is one thing.
He no longer regrets his childhood.
I'm a failure I know I'll post two today everything has been hectic at school because everyone was rushing to finish their science fair projects including me

Rydellington Oneshots (Discontinued)
FanfictionDo you enjoy reading scenarios about the relationship between Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff? Do you enjoy having your heart fill with so many feels that its like it's about to explode? Do you enjoy fluff that's so fluffy a unicorn would enjoy it...