3. Lady killer

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Quick note- sorry for the cussing in the song but it's really chill and I liked it with this chapter.
Stiles pov:
I had a problem. A serious problem. I have a crush on my best friend. And last night, at Jacksons, was too much for me. Sure Lydia's dated plenty of people just not anyone like me. We were so different but maybe that's why I liked her. My alarm goes off and I literally roll out of bed with a loud grunt as I hit the floor. My dad walks in my room and I look up at him.

I fake cough. "I think I should stay home." I complain and he rolls his eyes.
"It's the first day, you're fine. Get ready." He tosses my car keys onto my chest, walking out and closing my door after him.
"NOT FINE!" I yell at him with no real anger. I stand, grabbing my keys and placing them on my desk before walking over my closet. Band shirt, flannel and jeans, nothing too spectacular. We were juniors, appearances didn't matter at this point... Unless you were Allison or Lydia.

"Allison we need to go!" I knock on her door repeatedly. After a couple more knocks, she finally opens the door and I jingle my keys in her face as she scowls.
"Let's goooo." I draw out and she follows me down the stairs.
"Bye Dad, love you!" Allison calls to our father in the kitchen.
I turn around, making a pouty face at her like a little kid. "Stop trying to steal my dad, fart face." I whine.

She scoffs. "Fart face? How old are you? Five?" She crosses her arms.
"Five and a half." I remark with an innocent shrug and we both make our way out to the jeep.
"Girls aren't going to like you if you keep wearing band shirts and flannels." Allison slams the jeep door closed as we arrive at school. We walk side by side up to the main entrance, pushing open the double doors and scrunching our noses at the sight of a million freshmen.

"Let's wait outside." I say and Allison automatically nods in agreement. We make our way back outside and take a seat at an empty picnic table, waiting for our friends to arrive.

"I'm serious about the flannel thing though." Allison pulls out her phone and I roll my eyes.

"Actually it works on me. Doesn't matter what i wear, I'm a lady killer. Besides, some girls actually like guys in flannels." I remark and she scoffs.

"Like who?" She puts down her phone as my eye sight is covered by a pair of tiny hands. I smile, breathing in the scent of cherries.

"Hi Lydia." I say and she uncovers my eyes, sitting next to me. A smile plays on her lips and she gives me a quick hug before leaning back with a sigh. She grabs the fabric of my shirt in her hands, straightening it out.

"I like this on you." She states, messing with its appearance more. I turn to Allison with a smirk.

"Like her." I gesture to Lydia and Allison sticks her tongue out at me.
We just sit and talk for a while about random things, like how Lydia had a creepy dream last night. Allison brought up how I talk in my sleep and I reached across the table in an attempt to hurt her as much as a slightly older brother could. Scott shows up, sitting a little too close to Allison and I take a mental note to keep my eye on them.

Eventually the first bell rang so we all walked to our first class together, English. The desks were in groups of four so of course we all sat together, still carrying on a conversation about random things. The teacher was late so the class got pretty out of control, some students leaving to roam the halls and others standing on desks. Our little group sat quietly in the middle of the commotion, somehow bringing up the topic of lacrosse.

"I'm not gonna sit on the bench this year!" I exclaim to Lydia and she laughs again. "I'm serious! I've been practicing and I could probably do better than Scott this year." This time Scott laughs and I glare at him.

Allison shrugs, a serious expression on her face. "I actually have faith in him. Beginning of the summer I went to the fields with him and he sucked but I watched him last weekend and bros got actual game now." She defends me and I smirk as Lydia and Scott stop laughing. Allison's word is law so if she said I had game, I had game.

"When are tryouts?" Lydia asks and I turn to Scott.
"Uhhhhhhh... Next Thursday? Right?" I ask and he nods in agreement. Lydia perks up.
"I'm free and you bet I'll be there to see your so called 'game'." Lydia smiles. It leaves her lips as soon as the teacher walks in.

She looked nice enough, brown curly hair and a black pencil skirt that hugged her curves causing some of the guys to stare. The class immediately calmed down as she set a stack of papers she was holding on her desk. She turns to the white board, grabbing a purple dry erase marker before scribbling things down on the sleek surface.

Orpheus and Eurydice
Romeo and Juliet
Odysseus and Penelope
Paolo and Francesca
Echo and Narcissus

She caps the marker, turning towards the class.
"Can anyone tell me why these names are significant or what they have in common?" She asks. Everyone falls silent and I glance around at the other students before answering.
"They're all classic stories about forbidden love." I state and she smiles.

"Very good, Stilinski." She smiles and I furrow my brows.
"How do you know my name?" I ask cautiously. She turns to the board writing 'Ms. Blake' towards the top before responding.
"Went to high school with your father. You look just like him back in the day. Do you know the story of Narcissus well?" She asks.

I look briefly at Allison and she stares at me in amusement.
"In Greek mythology, Echo was a nymph who could only repeat what she heard. She fell in love with Narcissus but he was to self indulged to notice. Echo died of heartbreak. Narcissus saw his reflection in a pond and stared at himself until he died of starvation." I explain and Ms.Blake nods again. She makes her way to the front of the desk, sitting at its edge and folding her arms.

"Would you happen to know the name of the flower that grew in his place?" She asks. I purse my lips slowly shaking my head.
"Daffodil, isn't it?" Lydia asks.
"Exactly. The daffodil," she pushes herself off of the desk and walks around to the other side, sitting in her chair. "symbolizes rebirth or a new beginning."

I start to tap my fingers up and down repeatedly on my desk as she speaks. Lydia reaches her hand over and holds mine, causing me to stop my movement and look at her. "You're annoying me." She whispers with a smirk. A blush creeps across my face and I look down at our joined hands.

"You'll have a new writing assignment every month. This month, I want you to write a story of forbidden love. It's due the last day of this month and I expect it to be more than three pages long." At the sound of that, the class groans but Lydia's eyes fill with excitement. She absolutely loved writing and she hoped to one day get something of hers published. I knew she would, she was excellent at it.

Class goes by fast and I find myself staring at Lydia as she takes notes. She would glance at me every now and then, our eyes awkwardly connecting before she continues writing. I lean closer to her, trying to catch a glimpse of her words but she pulls the notebook away from my view, playfully glaring at me.
Authors note:
Hope you're enjoying it so far!!!! I've decided to try and attach music to each chapter to kinda go with it. If you don't like the song or simply can't listen to music while reading then obviously you don't have to listen to it😋
Comment, read, enjoy!

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