14. Bet you wish

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Stiles pov:
So today we were at Lydia's house. Don't ask me why, we just were. Scott and Allison were still at the Stilinski household (probably putting that condom to good use) so Lydia and I opted to hang out.

"This is boring." I say, taking a sharpie from Lydia's desk and outlining the ridges of my palm with it. I take a seat in her rolley chair, focusing on my "artwork".
"Then go home." Lydia rolls her eyes, flipping a page in the book she was currently reading on her bed.

I scrunch my nose up in disgust, shaking my head.
"We could reenact Star Wars." I suggest. Lydia rolls her eyes, closing her book.
"Or we could not." She says and I cap the sharpie. We both let out sighs and I stupidly say the first thing that comes to my mind.

"Are you and Aiden, like, together now?" I ask, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.
"I think it's getting there." She smiles to herself and my heart sinks to my stomach. "Friday we're going bowling and I want you there." She states. Great another episode of princess and the douche starring Stiles Stilinski as the friend-zoned donkey.

"You're going to be at lacrosse tryouts tomorrow, right?" I ask and she nods. Silence. We say nothing more as complete and awkward silence fills the room.

But then there's a car horn outside, causing me to look towards her window in confusion.
"Who's that?" I stand from her desk chair, making my way over to the single window in her room. She joins me, letting out an excited squeal before grabbing a jacket and a purse from her closet.

"Aiden!" She shrugs her leather coat on and I turn to her, heartbroken.
"Aiden?" I question and she nods, smiling.
"I'm sorry...I'll call you later." She pecks me on the cheek before heading out the door. "Love you!" She shouts back and I sigh, placing my hands in my pockets.
"No you don't." I turn back towards the window, watching Lydia hug Aiden and get in the passenger side of his car before driving off.

She was gone. I run a shaky hand through my hair, groaning in frustration before sitting on her bed. I was too late. I was always too late. What the hell was that anyway? We were hanging out for five minutes and suddenly Aiden shows up and she leaves faster that a burglar after robbing a bank.

"Stiles?" Lydia's mother comes to the doorway and I stand. "You still here?"
Obviously. "Uh...Yeah I was just about to go." I point to my jeep out of the window and she nods. But she doesn't let it go. I clear my throat as she fully enters the room, looking at me.
"You okay?" She asks and I give her a small smile.

"I'm fine." I speak silently.
Her eyes soften and I walk past her towards the door.
"You should tell her." Ms. Martins voice stops me. I turn back around.
"Excuse me?" I swallow dryly.

She starts to wander around Lydia's room until making her way over to the dresser. She picks up a framed photo of Lydia and I back in the seventh grade, one of Lydia's arms around my shoulder as she pushes my cheeks together and I cross my eyes. It was one of my favorite pictures of us because she was laughing and she looks so peaceful and beautiful when she laughs.

"I see the way you look at her. And it's a kind of genuine look. She never sees it because she's always looking away but I notice." Ms. Martin explains and I sigh.
"She has Aiden now."
She sets the picture down, her gaze drifting back to me.
"But she's always had you."
I press my lips together, taking in her words before turning and leaving.


Authors note:
This song just AHHHHHH!!! I love it!
Short chapter but it was a little depressing to write so the next on is gonna be fun and nice😁
Comment, read, enjoy!

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