5. Swims

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Lydia's pov:
I knock on Allison's door as Stiles reaches the top of the stairs, eyes glued to his phone. He glances up from the device, smiling at me slightly before walking into his own room and closing the door. I sigh, knocking on Allison's door again. There's no response so I barge in only to find Allison isn't even there.

"Great." I mumble, exiting her room and knocking on Stiles' door. He opens up the door almost immediately, wearing nothing but swimming trunks. Okay, yes we grew up together and I've seen him shirtless an uncountable amount of times (including the other day) but I couldn't help staring at his abs anyway.

"Allison's not home." I point to her room and he sighs.
"Scott." He rolls his eyes placing his hands on his hips. "Uh... I'd ask if you want to swim with me but you're not exactly wearing the right apparel." He gestures to my clothes.
I purse my lips. "Well I can't just let you swim home alone, what if you drown?" I ask.

He seems to think about this for a moment before brushing past me.
"Come on then, lifeguard." He grins and I roll my eyes, trailing after him.
We go out the back door to the pool and Stiles straight up jumps in, causing me to laugh. He resurfaces, running his hands through his hair before swimming over to the shallow end.
He leans against the side of the pool, closing his eyes and submerging the bottom half of his face in the water.

What the hell, right? I peel off my shirt, neatly lying it on a lawn chair before jumping in the pool with a scream.
I come to the surface and Stiles stares at me, confused.
"What are you doing?" He asks and I swim over to him. His eyes steal a quick glance at my bra before coming back up to my face but I didn't point it out.

"I felt left out." I respond and he lets out a quick laugh. He swallows harshly glancing down at my bra again and I roll my eyes.
"Girls have boobs, Stiles." I say, a blush creeping across his face. He sucks in a deep breath before going head first underwater, splashing water in my face with his feet on his way down.

I giggle then let out a shriek as he drags me under with him. We both have our eyes open and Stiles crosses his, hands still gripping my sides to keep me under. I smile then tap his hand, indicating I need air. We both float up and I gasp for breath, coughing slightly.
"You okay?" He asks and I nod. He smoothes back hair out of his face before climbing out and jogging over to the diving board.

He fake pops his neck and I laugh as he runs and cannon balls into the water.
"Your turn." He grins and I take his place at the end of the diving board. I run and try to do a split leap into the pool but my jean shorts constricted me and I ended up falling oddly on the water. I come back up and Stiles is laughing rather hardly so I glare at him.
"I'm going again." I huff, getting out of the pool.

Stiles smirks, leaning back against the pool wall. His expression changes to confusion when he sees me walk over to the chair that my shirt lay on. I shrug off my jean shorts, laying them next to my shirt.
"W-what are you doing?" Stiles stutters. I roll my eyes, not bothering to go to the diving board. I run and jump, perfectly hitting my split leap before crashing into the water.
"Jeans are the work of the devil." I say, swimming over to him.
He chuckles. "Says the girl who owns jean shorts, caprees and pants in every color."
Stiles pov:
"Stiles wake up!" Lydia has her legs on either side of my torso, sitting firmly on my stomach. I grumble, my eyes fluttering open a little and Lydia smiles. She leans forwards, connecting her lips with mine swiftly and I place my hands on her waist. She pulls away.
"You awake now?" She grins and my eyes widen at her appearance. I sit up, resting my back against the headboard of my bed but she stays on my lap, hands clamped around my neck.
"Why are- why are you in your underwear?" I ask, stuttering. She presses her forehead to mine and pecking my lips. What was going on?
"You don't remember what we did?" She asks, biting her bottom lip and I shake my head. Her lips meet mine again and I don't object, just kiss back.
We pull away from each other and I slowly open my eyes to see Allison instead of Lydia.

I scream myself awake, jolting upward from the terrifying thought of kissing my sister. My heart is pounding and I sigh in relief, realizing it was only a dream.
"You talk in your sleep." Allison leans in my doorway, eating a bowl of Cheerios. I jump slightly at the sound of her voice, wiping crust from the corners of my mouth.

"You've told me that." I shrug, struggling to catch my breath. No big deal. I've always been told that I say crap in my sleep.
"Yeah but this time you were talking about Lydia." Allison smirks and my face goes cold. She happily walks in my room sitting on the edge of my bed and placing her cereal on my bedside table. She lays her head on my pillow for about two seconds before sitting up in disgust. She grabs the pillow, turning it to me.

"WERE YOU DROOLING?!" She exclaims, showing me a wet spot and I snatch the pillow from her.
"I DO NOT DROOL." I yell back and she stands, grabbing her breakfast before walking to the door again.
"Wanna know what I think?" She turns around, a small smile playing on her lips. Normally I would say no but something about her expression made me wonder.

"What?" I ask, a lighter tone than before. She pauses.
"I think you like her." She smiles sweetly before walking to her room. It was such a silly thing to smile to myself as she left, yet I did it anyway. Happily I fell back against my pillows and noticed she was right. I did drool.
Authors note:
And if none of you know what a 'split leap' looks like I attached a picture above (so it makes sense as to why Lydia couldn't do it in Jean shorts)
I did have another song attached to this chapter but I changed it cause it didn't really go well with them having fun.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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