4. Fight Me

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Stiles pov:
The first day was a jumble of syllabuses and fast passing time until eventually school was out and I was leaning against the jeep, waiting for my sister.

"Scotty!" I cup my hands around my mouth, yelling after my best friend as he gets on his dirt bike. He nods his head, as if saying what? and I motion for him to join me. He sets his helmet back on the seat of his bike before making his way over to me.

"Oh Scott." I sigh, patting him on the back. "You see that?" I ask, pointing in the direction of Lydia and Allison who now made their way over to us.
"Allison?" Scott asks. I nod.
"Yeah, you may be my best friend but if you touch that?" I point to my sister once more, locking my eyes with Scott. "Just remember that time in middle school when I took karate." I finish. Scotts eyes widen and he frantically nods as the girls join us.

"What'd you do to Scott?" Allison grumbles noticing Scott's pale figure.
"Nothing." I grin, "ready to go?" I ask innocently. Allison stares at me suspiciously before getting in the passenger side of the jeep, saying goodbye to our friends.
After dropping Allison off at home, I drove to the Beacon Hills Reserve out in the middle of the woods, parking  at the chained off entrance. I shove my hands in my pockets before taking my regular stroll to my usual spot. Careful not to fall in, I cross the log placed across a small stream, stumbling and getting my shoes wet anyways. The woods were always my go to place to just breath and think. The crisp air would clear my mind and for a while I could just know nothing. A few years ago, they cut down a big tree in the middle of the woods and the stump it left behind was my go to spot, big enough for me to lay across.

I reach ye old stump within a minute or two and I take a deep breath before laying against the ringed wood, closing my eyes. Something felt a little off and I wriggled my nose to get rid of an itch, shifting my position slightly.
"Boo." My eyes snap open and I jump back in a yell causing Lydia to laugh.

I fall off of the stump, struggling to breath and rolling around in the dry leaves while clutching my heart.
"DEAD. DEFINITELY DEAD." I wheeze and Lydia laughs harder. "I think I had a minor heart attack."  I groan, finally laying still as Lydia calms down. My breathing slows and I take a deep breath in before standing and brushing be leaves off myself. Lydia and I both say criss cross, facing each other, on the stump. She pulls out a dark blue nail polish from the pocket of her shorts, unscrewing the top before starting to paint her nails.

"Why are you always out in the woods?" She asks, looking up at me as I start to study my surroundings.
"I don't know. It's peaceful... I can just come out here and clear my mind every now and then... Smells good." I shrug and Lydia giggles.
"Smells good?" She asks.
I nod, watching as she finishes painting her non-dominant hand.

"Yeah. Close your eyes, take a deep breath." I instruct. Her eyelids flutter closed and she inhales deeply, a small smile appearing on her lips. Her eyes open again and she scoots over to me.
"It does smell nice." She states, handing me the small paint brush and bottle. I take her right hand and place it on my knee, picking up each finger individually and painting her nail before moving to the next.

From the corner of my eye, I can see her watching me the whole time. I finish up and she brings both hands to her mouth and blowing softly on the wet nails.
"What did you say to Scott in the parking lot?" Lydia asks as I close the lid to her nail polish.
I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Just reminded him about that time I took karate in middle school." I say and Lydia rolls her eyes.

"Allison?" She asks and I nod.
"I'll kick his ass of he breaks her." I respond seriously.
"You can't even kick my ass." Lydia repositions herself so she can face me more. "So... I walked here would it be possible if you could give me a ride back to your place? I can hang out with Allison?" She asks.

I fake a groan and she shoves me a little. We both stand, hopping down off the stump, Lydia in front of me as we walk back to the jeep.
She stops abruptly though, turning to face me and I give her a questioning look. Her fist comes flying towards my face and I let out a surprised 'whoah' before avoiding the blow.

What the hell was she doing? She throws another punch towards me but once again I swerve. If Lydia wanted to play like this, I was all game. I go to knee her side but she drops to the ground.

She swings her leg out, trying to knock me off my feet but I jump. She stands and I throw another punch that she easily catches with her hand. We breath heavily, staring at each other for a moment but she swings her other hand out and I duck, grabbing her legs and tackling her to the ground. I sit on her stomach and she struggles as I pin her arms down as well.

I get close to her face. "All of a sudden you're a bad bitch?" I chuckle and she smirks, kneeing me and I fall off of her with a groan. She sits on me this time, pinning me like I had her. "Guess I am. Told ya you couldn't kick my ass." She smirks as we both struggle to breath. She doesn't get off of me immediately though. She just kind of sits there, her hands locked with my hands as she pins them above my head.

She licks her lips and I swear I saw her inch forward a little so I slowly close my eyes. But then her weight is lifted off of me and my eyes snap open, looking at her figure above me.
"Come on." Lydia offers me her hand and I take it, her helping me stand.
I was pretty dumb to think she would've kissed me.
Authors note:
DANG BADASS FIGHT SCENE BAE!!!!! Otp right here! 💜
Anyway... How are you guys liking this story so far?
I swear every time someone asks me a question and the answer is no it goes like this:
Me *mumbling* - "no"
Other person- "what?"
Me- " I said 'no' do you want to hear it in Spanish? NOH."
Other person- *face palms*
And that's the story of how I quote Teen Wolf on a daily basis.
Comment, read, enjoy!
P.s. If you couldn't already tell, I basically have nothing to say in my authors notes😐

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