15. £M£RG@N€¥

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{Quick note: I really wanted a fun filler chapter so please enjoy! Plus I need a break from writing emotional chapters since the next couple are gonna be...well emotional. DONT PLAY THE SONG UNTIL I SAY😑}
Stiles pov:
"I'm gonna be completely honest." Ms. Blake walks into the class room, dark sunglasses perched on the edge of her nose and her heels hung off the tips of her fingers. She sighs, plopping into her chair and putting her feet up on the desk. "Yesterday I turned forty and I'm just a little hungover so do whatever the hell you want."

We all stare at her in disbelief as she throws her shoes to the floor, making herself comfortable. Was this a joke?
"Oh! But I do need rough drafts by the end of class. End of my desk." She adds, pointing to a corner of her desk.

I clear my throat a bit, slowly standing and putting my essay on the edge of her desk, waiting to see if she says anything. I look over my shoulder at my table and Scott shrugs.
"Thanks Stilinski." She mumbles and I knit my eyebrows together. Was this even real?

Cautiously I make my way over to the class door, my eyes never leaving our teacher. I grip the handle, opening the door and still she doesn't say anything. The class stares at me and I shrug, gesturing for my group to join me. They take no time in pulling out their essays, placing them on top of mine before rushing out into the hall with me.

"What?!!" Lydia squeals, hugging me tightly while jumping up and down. The rest of the classrooms were probably dragging on right now but hell, we were free. The four of us exchange excited proclamations, claiming English as our new favorite class.

"This is some Breakfast Club shit." Scott states and we nod in agreement.
"My locker, come on." I gesture for them to follow me and we giddily run down the halls.
"WAIT." Allison halts us and I stare at her confused. She tugs off her boots, shoving them under her arm. She then runs and jumps, the tile of the hall making her slide on her socks.

We follow her lead, running and sliding all the way to my locker, filling the halls with our silent laughter. Occasionally Lydia would fall and we'd skid to a halt, falling as well since sliding was hard to stop. We would help her stand before continuing our journey until eventually we reached my locker. I twisted in the combo, popping the lock before letting everyone throw their shoes in the bottom section.

The shelf at the top, however, held at least fifty cans of silly string and Scott's mouthed dropped open as I handed everyone a couple cans.
"What the hell? Is this some sort of weird fetish we should be concerned about?" He asks and I fake laugh.
"I've been saving up for coaches birthday because bringing a backpack full of silly string on one whole day would be too suspicious." I explain.

They don't question it, everyone grabbing at least four cans under their arms.
"Now what?" Allison asks.
"Scott, stay here with the locker open and control the crowd. Us, Office." I command, already rushing off into the direction of the main office. They don't object, just follow, slipping and sliding behind me with giggles.

Cautiously, we enter the main office and I tip toe behind the main desk.
"There's no one here." Lydia seems so confused and I nod, logging into the main computer.
"It's just teachers here until nine-thirty." I explain. After fiddling around on the computer a bit more, I plug my phone into the speaker system, playing some rave music before pressing the
P/A systems announcement button.


"Hello fellow students at Beacon Hills high!" My voice booms in over the speakers and the girls start to pantomime protests. "Today is national... Silly string day." I make up and Allison rolls her eyes. "So get up from your desks and grab a can of silly string from Scott McCall at locker 311 for a silly string fight! GO CYCLONES!"

I stop the broadcast, pulling away from the mic with a grin.
"What the hell was that? 'Silly String fight'?" Allison asks, implying the fact that it was lame and no one would do it. I shrug, gesturing for the girls to follow me back out into empty hallways. Nothing and no one.

I think for a moment before going up to the nearest classroom and swinging open the door.
"Get off your asses, come on!" I yell spraying silly string into the crowd of students. They laugh and shriek, standing and making their way out of the classroom. Allison and Lydia give them their silly string cans and the students follow my lead of opening up classrooms and gesturing for them to join the "party" until the hallways are crowded.

"Okay maybe this isn't lame." Allison shouts over the crowd and the music, laughing and smiling along with Lydia. Scott suddenly comes up behind my sister, spraying a fair amount of silly string in the back of her hair and she gasps. She turns around, grabbing the can from him and spraying some on his face.

He wipes it away, handing us back our shoes from under his arms and we all slip them back on.
"This is genius. High five!" Scott raises his hand for me.
"Wha- how old are we? Seven? Men fist bump!" I proclaim and he shrugs, fist bumping me quickly. A few of the lacrosse players jog by, silly stringing us and the girls shriek while Scott and I laugh. They run back off but Allison grabs a can from Scott, screaming after the boys, "YOU'RE DEAD." She runs off, Scott trailing behind her.

Lydia giggles and I laugh back in response, the students around us going wild. The music from my phone still filters in through the school speakers and Lydia puts her hands on my shoulders, jumping a little. I roll my eyes, but bounce with her, putting my hands on her lower back.

People pass by, silly stringing us, teachers (the ones who actually cared enough to try) being trampled until eventually retreating to the safety of their classrooms. Girls hooped and hollered, several guys carrying them on their shoulders as the students dance to the beat of the music. It was pure madness.

Papers and empty silly string cans along with a couple of t-shirts were being thrown about, Lydia and I jumping to the base of the music the whole time.
"YOU ARE A GENIUS!" Lydia shouts over the music and I throw my head back in laughter.

"I'm a natural party animal!" I shrug and its Lydia's turn to laugh. I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I turn around, Lydia detaching herself from me. There's a very, very, hot girl with curly blonde hair wearing a tight leather skirt and equally tight shirt. A few other girls, also as hot as her, stand behind her, smirks plastered on their faces.

"You started this, Stilinski?" The blonde asks and I nod. She wraps her arms around my neck, crashing her lips to mine before pulling away and my eyes widen.
"You're a saint. I'm Erica." She bites her bottom lip, waiting for a response but I'm still a little shocked from the kiss.

"I'm a saint?" I ask, trying my best not to stutter.
"Dance with me!" Erica shouts over the music and I don't object as she pulls me farther into the sea of students. I glance back at Lydia, pumping my fist victoriously in the air and she rolls her eyes playfully. The ecstatic feeling leaves my chest when I see Aiden come up from behind her and she turns around, lightly kissing him.

Suddenly, the fire alarm goes off causing the school to let out yells of protest, covering their ears from the blaring alarm. Erica lets go of me, both of us covering our ears until the alarm turns off, the hallway completely silent.
"EVERYONE GET BACK TO CLASS!" The principal comes into view at the entrance of the school, standing on a chair.

Everyone lets out groans and curses, shuffling back to their classes like zombies.
"STILINSKI. YOU STAY THERE." I turn to walk back to English but the principals voice stops me. So close.


Authors note:
Let me tell you a little story. This was actually a senior prank at my school one year. All of the seniors filled their lockers up with silly string cans throughout the year and two days before they graduated, they started passing out cans to all of the classmates (9-12). Between a passing period, a football player got up on a chair and screamed "SILLY STRING FIGHT" and everyone started silly stringing each other. There wasn't any music over the P/A system but the principal broke it up with an air horn.

Comment, read, enjoy!

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