12. Movie date

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Stiles pov:
My eyes slowly flutter open, the morning sun filtering through the window and into my room. I take in a deep breath, a silent groan slipping past my lips at the frustration of waking up. I go to sit up, so I can close my shades, but notice a small figure hugging tight to my torso.

Lydia's light breathing suddenly becomes aware to me and I would just have to deal with the sun, sinking back into my pillow.
"Stiles?" Lydia mumbles, eyes coming to life. I look down at her and she smiles causing me to smile back.
"I'm not dreaming, am I?" I ask back and she giggles.

"You're definitely awake." She sits up, unwrapping herself from me and quickly closing my blinds before laying back down. Her chin rests on my bare chest and I close my eyes, drifting to sleep again.
"Stiles can you-" Allison barges into the room, her sentence stopping short when she sees Lydia.

We both sit up, me scooting back until my back hits the headboard of my bed.
"Oh...hi Lydia." Allison says, a tone of evil in her voice. "Stiles can you fix the coffee pot please?" She returns to her previous sentence and I roll my eyes. I throw the comforter off myself before standing and passing by Allison. But I stop in the doorway, and turn back to her, examining her face.

I take her chin between my fingers, pushing her head from one side to the other before she slaps my hand away.
"You have bags under your eyes." I point at her face and she shrugs. I look down, analyzing the rest of her appearance.
"Is that my shirt?" I ask. Allison glances at the material hanging of her shoulders.

"Noooooo." She drags out and I look at the drain more carefully.
"Yes it is. That's the shirt that I lent to-" I stop, looking her dead in the eyes. "Scott." It dawns on me and from the corner of my eyes I can see Lydia watching the tension grow. Allison was at Scott's last night. I wasn't going to push it. I'd sit both her and Scott down later for a very serious talk.

"I want my shirt back. Now." I command, holding out my hand.
"I'm not wearing a bra." Allison smirks and I fake gag.
"Never mind you keep it." I scrunch my nose up before continuing my journey to the kitchen. Quickly, I take a look at the coffee pot, fixing it before calling the girls downstairs.

"Yeah.... Yeah.... No I understand, don't be upset." Lydia walks down first, a grin plastered on her face as she holds her phone up to her ear. "I'm fine, I promise." She giggles, grabbing my attention as she takes a seat next to me on the bar stools. "Sounds great, I'll see you then?" She asks. "Okay! Bye!" The caller hangs up and she pulls the phone from her ear smiling.

"Who was that?"I ask as she finally notices me. She looks down to the floor for a moment.
"Aiden..." She mumbles. Heat rushes up through my body but I take a deep breath so I don't yell.
"You never told me why he lashed out on you last night." I say, biting the inside of my cheek. Allison quickly offers her coffee, but she declines.

"You never told me what your dream was about last night." She throws back and I nod.
"Fair enough. Trade?" I ask with all seriousness. She purses her lips, tapping her fingers against the countertop. The only reason she'd tell me is if she really wanted to know what my dream was, so it was a long shot.

But she speaks. "One of his friends slipped an ecstasy in his Gatorade before he went to the library. I refused to do anything and I guess drugs mess you up because he got mad." She finishes. I shudder. Truly and visibly shudder.
"Ecstasy.... Aren't those like, horny pills?" Allison butts in and both Lydia and I nod.

"Your night terror?" Lydia asks.
I sigh. "Ironically, I had a dream where he barged in my room and tried to rape you. I got him off of you once but he knocked me unconscious. I-I couldn't do anything." I stutter the last sentence quietly, staring at a crack in the kitchen counter. Lydia doesn't say anything. Neither does Allison.

There's a honk outside and Lydia stands.
"That's my mom. I'll see you guys later. Love you both!" She smiles weakly before standing and leaving our house. I let out a sigh, my eyes glued to the spot where she used to sit.

"The last time you had night terrors was when you were seven and your mom died." Allison breaks the silence and I look to her.
"I screamed myself awake." I state. Allison takes a particularly long swig of her coffee.
"You don't want her to get hurt. It's like a fear of yours, huh?" She deadpans. I shrug.

"What are you, a policeman now? Taking classes with Dad? Stop the detective crap." I stand abruptly, making my way upstairs.
"YOU'RE COMPLETELY INFATUATED WITH HER!" She calls out and I roll my eyes.


After taking a shower and throwing on the largest pair of sweatpants I own, I sat at my desk, a stack of lined paper challenging me. A pen twirled between my fingers but I couldn't start my essay rough draft. This was a Sunday problem.
"ALLISON!" I yell, leaning back in my chair. She barges in a moment later, rolling her eyes.

"Put a shirt on! You're scaring me and what do you want?" She huffs and I stand.
"First of all, my room my rules. Second of all, I'm bored. Want to go to a movie?" I ask. She looks up at the ceiling, considering the option.
"Can Scott come?" She asks.

I take in a deep breath. No he cannot come because I'm not okay with my sister going out with one of my best friends.
"No kissing. That's all I ask, just no kissing." I command. Allison lets out a small victory whoop before heading back to her room.


We'd finally made it to the movie theater, after awkwardly picking up Scott, grabbing our junk food from the concessions. Scott takes a spot at the end of our row and I sit down next to him before Allison can. She glares at me, pointing to the third seat and I roll my eyes before moving over. She plops down, immediately attaching herself to Scott and I crinkle my nose.

"I honestly think cheesy horror movies are under appreciated." I recognized the voice of a woman passing. By our row. Shit, was that Lydia? The man next to her laughs and I notice strawberry blonde hair. It is Lydia.
I sink down in my seat as slowly as I can, hoping she doesn't turn around and notice me. But Allison thinks otherwise.

"Lydia!" She calls out and I throw her the death glare, lightly slapping her on the leg and she winces. Lydia turns around, a smile on her face and she drags herself, along with Aiden, over to our row.
"Hey." She smiles sweetly and I notice the cut on her forehead has been covered with makeup. "Guys, this is Aiden." She gestures the the buff boy holding her hand. I bite the inside of my cheek, drawing blood as he grins.

"This is Scott, Allison, and..." She pauses. "Stiles."
"Nice to meet you all." Aiden grins. Bastard.
"Mind if we sit with you?" Lydia asks. I open my mouth to object but Allison gestures to the seats next to me. thanks sis! I'll be sure and remind Scott later how you wet the bed until you were thirteen!

Lydia sits down next to me, Aiden on her other side and I shift slightly. The lights dim as the previews start to play and Lydia places her hand on my arm, which lay on the armrest.
"You okay." She whispers and I lick my lips.
"Just watch the goddamn movie." I whisper, maybe a little too harshly but non the less, she gives my arm a light squeeze.

Authors note:
No song because.... Just no freaking song, okay? Deal with it.

I just wanted to explain the reason why I'm always writing in Stiles POV. I don't really want you guys knowing how Lydia feels about him. Obviously, we know that Stiles has loved her since day one but I want to keep Lydia's feelings a secret. Right now, you don't know if she's starting to like him or does like him or whatever and that will come back later because after a certain chapter, I will alternate between Lydia's and Stiles POV. But for now, Lydia is a secret.

Comment, read, enjoy!

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