24. Our Story

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January-Stiles pov:
I paced around my room, my phone ringing on speaker as Allison sat excitedly on my bed. We were calling Lydia for this first time in a while since she moved a month ago.

"Hello?" Lydia picks up and Allison stands while I smile. What do I say? Shut up, Stilinski. This is your girlfriend say whatever the hell you want.
"Hey babe!" I say happily and She giggles.

"Hi, Stiles." Lydia chirps. There's some loud laughter in the background and Lydia speaks again but farther away from the phone. "Quiet, I'm talking." She hisses and the laughter roars up again.

"HI STILES!"  A bunch of girls shout in the background, imitating Lydia and I blush, causing Allison to roll her eyes.
"W-Who's that?" I stutter.
"A bunch of girls I met in science on the first day of school. We're out for lunch right now, would you mind if I called you back?" Lydia asks.

"Sure." I mumble, a little upset.
"I'm so sorry! Love you!" She apologizes, hanging up quickly. I sigh, putting my phone back in my pocket.
"Love you too." I say to myself.

The truth is, not all stories have a happy ending. Lydia and I broke up mutually over the summer, agreeing that the long distance wasn't doing any of us good. We promised to stay friends though and talk everyday. But then I met Malia senior year, and Lydia and I rarely talked. She never really came back to Beacon Hills anymore, saying it was too hard due to her senior schedule.

Summer came around and Lydia didn't talk to us anymore, liking each others photos on Instagram or exchanging funny comments but that was all. End of the summer and college came around.

I had parked the jeep outside of a Starbucks near campus, grabbing a coffee to help me study for our Friday quiz on the first week of school. As come back out of the store, I notice a tow truck dragging my jeep away from a no park zone.
"OH NO NO NO! Come on!!!! That's my car!" I yell, pulling my phone out of my pocket to call my dad.

I groan in frustration as my phone dies before turning to a woman who walks down the sidewalk and stopping her.
"Excuse me, I hate to do this but-"
I stop my sentence short when I realize I knew this woman. I smile embracing her in a hug. "Oh my god, hey Lydia!" We pull apart, a large smile now visible on her face as well.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and she looks at me oddly.
"You know just, hunting for elephants at Starbucks." She replies, holding her coffee up to my eyesight.

I chuckle. "That thick layer of sarcasm still hasn't washed off yet, huh?" I ask and she shakes her head.
"Actually, I came back to Beacon Hills for college."There's a moment of awkward silence as I slip my hands into the pockets of my jeans. Lydia Martin, back in Beacon Hills.

"You and Malia still good?" She asks and I sigh.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, ya know.... Actually we broke up last month." I shrug and Lydia's mouth drops into an 'O' shape.
"Oh my gosh I'm sorry that I-"
"No you're fine! I'm the one that broke it off." I smile as she lets the awkward question flow off of her. "What about you? Find anyone since high school?" I ask.

She looks around as if expecting her boyfriend to appear at any moment.
"Um, no not really." She grins and I realize I was the last person she ever dated. I desperately wanted to pull her back into a tight hug, just knowing she was right here felt unreal. She looks over to the curb where my jeep used to be parked before turning back to me.

"You wanna walk me back to campus? I could drive you home afterwards." She offers. I think on it for a minute, glancing at my watch as if I have somewhere else to be.
"Yeah, why not?" I smile and she grins back as I join her side. She links her arm with mine and a shiver runs up my spine. Truth was, I had never really
un-fallen in love with Lydia.

Authors note:
That's the end!! Sorry if it disappoints😞

Thank you all SO MUCH for reading and I hope you liked it! If you're wondering about my next Stydia book, it's called Neighboring and you can just go to my profile to find it. For more information on Neighboring, I've put the description and a few other notes in the next "chapter"

Comment again, re-read, enjoy!

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