9. Confessions and kisses

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Stiles pov:
"I need to tell her. This is my last chance. She's starting to like Aiden and if I don't tell her she'll fall in love." I run my hands through my hair, sitting on the edge of Allison's bed while she painted her nails. The toxic fumes of polish filled my nose and I let out a sneeze, Allison mumbling a quick "bless you".

"Then grow some super hero balls and do it." She says, "Otherwise yes, she is going to fall in love with Aiden. You'll practically be her gay best friend, you and Danny can start hanging out!"
I stare at her in disbelief. Although it was true- hell I'd even painted her nails the other day- you don't just say that crap out loud.

I twiddle my thumbs together and I shift a little.
"She's never...said anything about liking before, has she?" I ask. Allison caps her nail polish before slamming it down on her desk, hard enough to make me believe she had broken it. She gets up from her chair, pushing me back on the bed before sitting on my stomach and pinning my arms above my head.

"Allison, this is really awkward..." I gulp and she slaps me in the face. Hard. "OW." I complain and she slaps me again on the other cheek.
"Are you paying close attention?" She hisses and I nod, scared for my life at this point.

She inches her face closer to mine and I sink back into the bed as much as my can. If this was any a moment for her to tell me that she's always liked me, it would be now. Granted, when I was seven and we first adopted her, yes I thought she was cute. But it was over with the next day when she tried to flush my collectible Star Wars Lego man.

"Don't you think that if I knew Lydia liked you I would've forced you two together? I'M A CONTROLLING PERSON STILES. I WOULD'VE MADE IT HAPPEN." She shouts in all seriousness. I had to admit, she could be scary as shit sometimes.

I nod frantically and she gets off of me, returning to her nail polish as I sit up.
"Was that really necessary?" I ask. She doesn't look up from her nails.
"Goddamn right it was necessary. Get out of my room, stop your belly-aching and go tell your best friend you love her." She says in a devil-like tone and I quickly exit her room.

What the hell happened to her?! Nope.
Doesn't matter. I grab my keys and held out the door, barely noticing my father as he gets out of his squad car.
"Hi dad! Bye dad!" I shout, hopping in the jeep before driving off.

Lydia. I love you. No, no, no. Too blunt.

Lydia I've had a crush on you since the third grade. Nah, that seems kind of stalkerish.

I've always thought we had some kind of connection. Unspoken, of course. Not quite that either.

I dig you. What even was that? I dig you? Who says that? Nobody even says that.

After running through what to say on the way over, I finally pull into Lydia's driveway only to find her emerging from her house.
"Stiles? What are you doing here?" She smiles as I get out of my jeep. She gives me a quick hug and I notice her keys in hand.

"Going somewhere?" I ask avoiding her question and causing her to look towards her car.
"Just to the library. Working on my rough draft for English with...Aiden." She hesitates on saying his name.
My face pales and I glance at the ground, licking my lips a bit. "He has an after hours pass said maybe I could concentrate more. Why'd you say you were here again?"

"I just came to, uh..." Think Stiles. Valid excuse. "Why did you kiss me the other day? It was just a game you didn't really have to." I blurt. She blushes slightly.

"You're right. It was just a game. But I didn't really feel like getting drunk and it was no big deal. We've kissed before. I have to go, call you later?" She smiles, kissing me lightly on the cheek like always before slipping into her car and driving off.

"Love you." I whisper to myself. My feet help me wander to the curb where I sit, staring down at my shoes. She was right. We had kissed before. But it was different then.

"Stiles? What's going on?" Lydia asks me as I struggle to breath. It was the sixth grade, the anniversary of my mothers death and being at school was too much for me to handle.
"Panic attack." I manage between breaths, gripping into her shoulder so I don't collapse. She pushes my my chin up with her finger, forcing me to look at her worrying eyes and I swallow harshly.

"You're going to be okay. I'm going to help you." She reassures me, looking around the hallway before looping my arm around her shoulder. She drags me into an empty classroom and I immediately fall to the floor, dragging Lydia down with me. I sit up against the wall and Lydia scoots closer to my, gripping my face in her hands softly.

"What do I do?" She cries and I grab one of her hands from my cheek, squeezing it to reassure her. Her eyes start to frantically search the room before landing back on me.
"Have you ever kissed anybody?" She asks and I shake my head.

She takes in a deep breath. "Me either." And before I can process the actions, her lips are set on mine. My first kiss. My first kiss with my best friend. My first kiss with the girl is always wanted my first kiss to be with.

She pulls away from me and I shutter out a breath.
"It's gone." I whisper, relaxing a little. "How'd you do that?" I ask. She clears her throat a little, leaning against the wall next to me. She takes my hand in hers, her thumb running over my knuckles.

"I read once that holding your breath could stop a panic attack. So when I kissed you, you held your breath." She smiles and I chuckle.
"You sacrificed your first kiss for me." I say and she shrugs, smiling slightly.
"Better my best friend than some bum in a few years." She laughs causing me to smile.


My text tone goes off, interrupting my thoughts of our first kiss. I fish my phone from my pocket, checking the screen.
New msg from: Lydia <3
I sigh, unlocking my phone and reading the text. My eyebrows knit together and I read the single word over again.

What did she-
I stand quickly in realization, quickly hopping in my jeep to go to Lydia's aid.
Authors note:
Aw how'd you like the flashback scene? Good? That's good...
Whelp. Like always I don't really have anything to say except I'm sorry that this book sucks more than my last one but I didn't really have as much of a defined layout as I did for I'll Be Your Bat-woman.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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