8. Dont Let 'Em See Me Down

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Stiles pov:
"SHIT." I groan as my back hits the hardwood floor of Lydia's room. She wasn't home and neither was her mom but she always left her second floor window unlocked. Scott fumbles in after me and I stand, turning on her lights to reveal purple walls.
"What are we looking for again?" Scott whispers.

"No ones home. You don't have to whisper." I state. "And since we can't go through Allison's things without finding crap I don't want to find... We'll go straight to the problem at hand." I crack my knuckles and start to walk towards Lydia's desk but Scott grabs my arm. I turn to him, confused.

"This is a terribly, horribly, incredibly, jack-ass foolish idea...." He seems concerned but it quickly wipes off his face. "Let's do it and see what happens." He grins excitedly and we go opposite ways. I start to search through her desk while Scott checks Lydia's closet, pulling out different books as I flip through notebooks. Scott finishes, realizing there's only clothes in her closet (duh) and moves on to her night side table.

I turn around to face Scott, a pink square of some weird plastic thing clasped between his index finger and thumb.
"What is that?" I ask, snatching it from him and he starts to panic, swatting it from my hand and it flies across the room.
"DUDE." He frantically waves his arms around and my eyes widen in realization. I pat him on the back as my eyes search around Lydia's room.

"Girls have sanitation shit right? Bath and Shower Works or whatever?" I ask and he nods, grabbing a small hand sanitizer from on top of Lydia's dresser.

I squeeze half of the bottle into the palm of my hands as Scott goes across the room, picking up the pad between his fingers and replacing it to its original location. A shutter runs through my body. Girls.

I fake a gag, making a choking notion around my neck with my hands before continuing my search. Eventually, Scott doesn't have anywhere else to search so he joins me at the desk, flipping through old notebooks until we realize there's nothing. Only one place left to look. We stood side-by-side, staring at Lydia's unopened dresser while thinking upon it.

"Girls do that crap right? Hide diaries in with their clothes?" I ask Scott and he nods with a sigh.
"Like how we do with money." He states.
"Exactly!" I exclaim. We exchange a quick glance at each other before both of us pick one out of six drawers to search through.

"Bet you'd like to see her in these." Scott chuckles, pulling a black laced thong from his drawer and I frantically shove it back into its place.
"We aren't going to find anything. We should just go before-" the sound of a car engine cuts me off. I hiss at Scott to turn off the lights and he does so quickly before the both of us go to the single window in Lydia's room.

Apparently, Aiden had driven her home from his house which, for some reason, surprised me. He opened Lydia's door for her and my heart breaks as she grins widely. I couldn't help but smile weakly at how happy she was, thinking that she was happy without me there. She starts to walk up the sidewalk to the house but Aiden pulls her back by the hand, causing her to giggle. He leans against his car, pulling her to him before their lips connect in a kiss and I sigh.

I turn to Scott, a small smile playing on his face but it falters when he meets my eyes. I swallow dryly, clearing my throat lightly while glancing at the ground. Scott gets closer to the window, pressing his face against the glass before turning to me.
"He looks like a real douche." Scott nods and I let out an airy chuckle.
"Thanks." I purse my lips as he pats me on the back. "I'm going to wait here for her. Hide in the hall closet and when she passes, you go. Take Roscoe,Okay?" I hand him the keys to my jeep and he nods leaving me in the darkness of Lydia's room.

I sit down criss-cross on the end of her bed , staring down at my hands though I can barely see them. I practically don't notice the light flickers on and Lydia jumps slightly at the sight of me, smiling in amusement to herself.
"Stiles, what are you doing here?" She asks, taking off her heels and throwing them in her closet along with her purse. My eyes never leave the ground as I try to think of a valid excuse.

"Couldn't sleep... I didn't know you'd be back so late though." I respond almost robotically. Lydia reads the digital clock on her desk, letting out a quick laugh.
"I didn't realize it was almost midnight." She smiles, sitting on the bed next to me, her feet dangling off the edge. She leans into my shoulder, tousling my hair with her fingers.

"Why couldn't you sleep, sweetie?" She asks and I sigh.
"Just thinking too much." I state, which wasn't a lie but wasn't exactly true.
"Want to sleep here?" She asks and I nod slowly. We both stand, Lydia pulling back the folded covers on her mattress while I take off my shoes. She grabs pajamas and changes quickly in her bathroom and I get out of my jeans and t-shirt.

We slip under the covers like we'd done so many times before, facing each other as we get settled in. Lydia scoots closer to me though, grabbing my left arm and draping it over her waist she hugs me closer. She kisses me on the nose before fluttering her eyes closed and I squeeze her closer to me.
"Love you Stiles." She mumbles and I shift a little, closing my eyes.
"Love you too."
"Juliet is to Romeo," Ms.Blake wanders around the room before stopping at our group of desks. She locks eyes with me and I start to nervously tap my fingers.
"As Cleopatra is to..." She doesn't finish the rest of her sentence, looking intently at me.

"Why do I feel like you're directing this towards me?" I ask and Ms.Blake smiles, chuckling lightly. I look over to Lydia and she shrugs, continuing to doodle on her paper.
"Because I feel you're the smartest student here. Do you know the answer?" Ms. Blake asks sweetly.

I roll my eyes in a sigh. "Yes. Juliet is to Romeo as Cleopatra is to Antony." I respond dully. Allison silently chuckles and I kick her under the desk. Ms.Blake returns to the board, writing down something before turning back to the class.
"In fact, Shakespeare wrote the famous Romeo and Juliet loosely based off of the true story of Cleopatras love for Antony." She wipes her hands on the edge of her pencil skirt.

After clearing her throat, she sits at her desk revealing the words on the board and the class groans.
Forbidden love rough daft due Monday: one page long.
Ms.Blake gives us the rest of class to start on our rough draft and I try to catch a glimpse of Lydia's paper but she glares at me when I look.
But I do see some of the words that she's written in that perfect hand writing of hers.
I think I like him. A lot.
And only one name crosses my mind.


Authors note:
I just had a very detailed text convo with my best friend about the 5b trailer and she agrees that Derek needs to come back and straighten everyone out. Because we all know he could throw the sourwolf glare and everyone would shut up and be happy again.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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