23. Hospital rooms.

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Friday, Stiles pov:

Everything was normal. Allison and I riding to school in the jeep, meeting up with Lydia and Scott before class. I stand behind Lydia, snaking my hands around to the front of her body in a backwards hug and she smiles when I peck her on the cheek.

The four of us stride to English and the world was peaceful, seemingly moving in slow motion. Lydia wanted to hang out at my house after school since Scott and Allison would be doing there thing. I didn't object. I loved spending time with Lydia. English went by pretty fast, the four of were extremely happy for some reason and it almost seemed too good to be real.

I walked Lydia to her second class before heading off to mine, a wide grin on my face. Eventually it was lunch and we all gathered at our table, a few of our friends passing by and saying hey. It was a relaxed feeling. We laughed at a few stories Allison told about how Scott was being a doofus at an amusement park they went to.

Lunch ended, a couple more classes went by, pretty soon it was time to go home, Lydia in my jeep and Allison on the back of Scott's dirt bike. Lydia played some music from her phone, silently singing along as she leaned her head against the glass of the window and I couldn't help but love how perfect everything was.

I throw my keys on the kitchen counter before Lydia drags me up to my room. My dad was at work, per usual, so I found it kind of odd Lydia didn't want to stay in the living room. Unless....

"I don't want you to tell me the truth. It's too realistic, too predictable. I want you to lie to me." She says. I'm slightly confused at first, her sentence not exactly making sense, but I step forwards.

"I love you." I say, caressing her cheek with my hand. My lips press to hers lightly and I lean our foreheads together once we separate. Her eyes shine brightly.
"Lie to me again." She whispers.
"I love you." I say, kissing her once more. She fully devotes herself to this kiss before pulling away with a smirk on her face, walking backwards before sitting on my bed.

She scoots until her back hits the wall and her legs lie straight on the mattress. I sigh, shoving my hands in my pockets.
"You're beautiful. You're kind. Very intelligent." I take a step forward with each word that leaves my mouth until I reach the edge of my bed. "Adorable." I say, climbing onto the bed, overtop of her. Her breathing slows slightly.

My lips hover over hers. "Sexy." I smirk, finally kissing her. She smiles against it, separating herself from me.
"You're a pretty good liar." She whispers before grabbing my face and hungrily pulling me back to her.


Lydia buries her head into my chest, our bare bodies pressed together under the comforter of my bed. I sigh, drawing random designs down Lydia's arm with the tip of my finger as she watches.

"I'm never gonna get over that." She giggles causing me to chuckle. I place a light kiss on top of her head and we both jump slightly at a banging sound downstairs.

Lydia sits up first, holding the blanket to her chest as we both turn towards the door.
"Its okay." I whisper, my hands lightly resting on her shoulders and I can feel her get goosebumps. "No one could've broken in, the alarm would have gone off." I inform her.

She seems to relax a little bit non the less, our gazes never lift from the door. Soon enough, my dad barges in the room, his face red as he pants. He barely even acknowledges the fact that we're both naked in my bed.
"I knew you'd be here." He refers to Lydia. "Get dressed. We need to go, now." He commands.

Because I Can't Lose You (a Stydia story){complete}Where stories live. Discover now