21. Older brother status

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Stiles pov:
There were lots of things that I was okay with in this world. Example A: my new found relationship with Lydia. Example B: ice cream. I could definitely chill with ice cream.

Then there were other things I am not okay with in this world. Example A: wet socks. Example B: Allison and Scott are doing things.

"You take so long!" I growl. Allison was in the bathroom connected to her room, getting ready for our double dinner date as I roam her room. Yesterday, the four of us decided that we hadn't been hanging out as often as a group so Allison, being the planner, suggested a double date.

"Two minutes!" She shouts through the door and I roll my eyes.
"That's what you said two minutes ago." I grumble. My feet shuffle against her floor, my eyes hanging low as I travel to her desk chair.

I spin on it slightly but come to a halt when something in her trash can catches my eye. An open condom wrapper. I glance at the bathroom door before fake gagging, holding my hand over my chest. I fall to the floor with a thud and Allison appears.

"What are you doing?" She asks and I try to act normal as I stand.
"Nothing." I clear my throat. She eyes me suspiciously before leaving the room. I pantomime a noose and wrap it around my neck, fake strangling myself before trailing after her.

We bolt out the front door, getting into the jeep and driving off towards the restaurant. Upon arriving, Scott and Lydia have already grabbed a table, making small talk. Allison takes a seat next to Scott while I sit next to Lydia, lightly kissing her on the cheek.

Allison's hand falls over top of Scott's on the table and I wriggle my nose to get rid of an itch. The waitress comes by, take our orders and serving us our drinks.
"How's the happy couple?" Allison smirks, referring to Lydia and I.
"Peachy." I reply, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I take a sip of my soda.

"Stiles, can I talk to you real quick?"  Lydia asks and I scowl before nodding. She grabs my hand, dragging me over to the little hall where the bathrooms are. She slaps me upside the head and I throw her a questioning glare.

"The hell!?" I whisper shout.
"I know you don't like them together but you'll just have to suck it up because I want to have a nice time with my boyfriend." Lydia hisses. I let out an exaggerated sigh causing Lydia to smile, knowing she has won.
"Come here." She opens her arms out and I pout like a little kid before hugging her.

I keep my hands lightly on her waist when she pulls away. "I'm sorry I hit you." She apologizes.
I tap my cheek with a finger and Lydia rolls her eyes before kissing me on the lips instead.

The next day, after school- Lydia's pov:

Scott and Allison were already hanging out over at the Stilinski household so I figured I'd surprise Stiles. I quietly open up the door to his room and confusion crosses my mind at the scenario. Stiles leans over his desk, holding a glass to the wall that joins to Allison. The opening of the glass was placed against the wall while the bottom is held against his ear.

I clear my throat loudly causing him to drop the glass and it shatters on the wooden surface of his desk.
"What are you doing?!" I ask as he starts to clean up the broken glass.
"N-nothing." He stutters. I step into his room fully, closing the door behind me before putting my hands on my hips.

"We're you listening in on Allison and Scott?" I ask sternly.
Stiles straightens up, his face pale. "No."
"Stiles." I warn and he slumps.
"Yes..." His voice is a squeak and I roll my eyes. He sweeps the broken glass into his trash can before sitting in his desk chair and I sit criss-cross on his bed.

"You can't do that!" I scold and he groans.
"But they're! And I'm.... I can't control my brotherly instincts." He try's to frustratedly explain himself. I gesture for him to sit next to me and he does so with a little huff. I bring my lips next to his ear, letting my breath tingle his skin.

"Just let them be." I whisper before starting to nibble on the place where his jaw and neck connect. He shutters out a breath, eyes closing.
"Y-yeah I think I can do that." He brings my lips up to his, caressing my cheek with his hand, softly.

"Stiles-" Allison barges in the room without knocking and we jump away from each other, me accidentally biting Stiles' bottom lip.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I laugh, rubbing his lip with my thumb and he chuckles.
"You're fine." He grins. Allison clears her throat and we turn to her awkwardly.

"Scott and I are going to see a movie, I'll be home later." Allison says, walking away. Scott slowly passes by the room and Stiles calls him in. This wasn't going to be good. Stiles stands, glancing at me over his shoulder before getting closer to Scott and I can barely hear what he's saying.

"No sex in my bedroom... Or in the bathroom... You know what, no sex anywhere I frequently go." I stare at Stiles in disbelief. He pauses for a moment . "You should probably just do it at your house"
Scott stares at him, frighteningly before stumble out of the room.

Authors note:
This was short but you can deal with it. I've decided that chapter 24 is the last chapter mainly because I already have it written and I'm just gonna tell you now, you're probably not going to like it. Ummmmm.... That's all I have to say so catch you on the flip flop.
Comment, read, enjoy!

P.s. The thing Stiles did with the glass against the wall, actually works! Just in case you're a curious puppy and want to eavesdrop😉

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