11. Losing it

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Stiles pov:
Empty bed. I open my eyes to an empty bed and immediately start to panic, leaping off the mattress and stumbling downstairs.
"Lyd-" I start to call her name but she steps into my view, sipping coffee from one of our mugs and I sigh in relief. I didn't know what I thought had happened to her but I was still glad to see she was okay.

"Hi Stiles." Allison emphasizes my name as I just now notice her by the kitchen sink.
"Yeah, hi. You alright?" I say quickly before turning to Lydia. She sets her mug down on the counter and for a moment I'm puzzled, remembering that Lydia didn't drink coffee but I shake it off. She smiles, taking a hand and gently stroking the side of my face.

"I'm fine." She reassures. I grin, my eyes lowering to the floor. I didn't want to see the scar on her forehead from the night before. It would only remind me that she was not, in fact, fine, but hurt.

Lydia pushes my head back up so our eyes meet, her thumb rubbing lightly up and down on my cheek.
She leans forward until our foreheads rest against each other. Our breathes mix and I completely forget that Allison was right there, but she wasn't saying anything so neither did I.

"I'm fine." Lydia repeats in a whisper. I take in a deep breath, the scent of cherries filling my nose. She interrupts my thoughts as lips then press to mine and I don't know why, but it didn't surprise me and I kiss right back my hand on her waist now. Her other hand flocks the the back of my neck and I step forward so our chests touch.

Suddenly, Allison disappears, probably going back to her room and it's just Lydia and I kissing in my house. I couldn't believe it. It was almost a dream.

I jolt upwards in a gasp, rubbing my eyes and noticing I was back in my bed, Lydia right next to me. It was a dream and I groan, flopping back against my pillow causing Lydia to laugh.
"What time is it?" I grumble, shifting to get comfortable again. Lydia was sitting criss-crossed, facing me, a hand stroking my hair as my eyes flutter closed.

"Like four AM. It's still dark out." She mumbles, causing my to groan again. I shift in my place until my head lies in her lap and she smiles down at me, looking like a complete goddess.
"Darkness means sleeping, in case you didn't know that." I say, my voice a little gruff and Lydia lets out a quick laugh. I take a deep breath before closing my eyes once more, Lydia's fingers still in my hair.

"There's something I gotta tell you, before I regret it." I mumble, still half asleep.
"What's that?" Her breath tingles my ears and I know she's moved closer to me.
"I like you." I start to fall asleep but her lips lightly press against mine and I smile into the kiss.

Once again, I jump upright, struggling to breath as I wake. A dream within a dream? Lydia moans beside me before slowly sitting up and gripping my arm.
"What's wrong?" Her voice is quiet and I place my hand over hers as she she rubs my arm in a comforting notion.
"Uh..." You kissed me in my dreams after I confessed that I like you. "Just a dream."

She nods as if it's the most understandable thing in the world. There's a knock on my door and before I can speak, Aiden walks in, a scowl on his face. I shift my position until I'm slightly in front of Lydia, protecting her.

"How'd you get in here?" I growl and Aiden steps towards us.
"Does it matter? I'm here for Lydia." He says politely, which confuses me. He was supposed to be commanding for her to come with him but instead his voice was calm.
Lydia starts to stand but I push her back down, gently.

Aiden notices this and the innocent face lasts for a second before turning into hatred and he grabs me by the neck of my shirt, pulling me to the ground. I land with a thud, my cheek hitting the hard surface of the floor and I groan as Aiden grabs onto Lydia. I was not going to let him take her. He steps over me, dragging Lydia behind him but I quickly jump to my feet, closing and locking my door so there's no escape.

Lydia whimpers as he tightens his grip on her arm, a smirk forming on his face.
"Fine." Aiden throws Lydia back on my bed, giving me one last look before pouncing on her, forcing her to kiss him. His hands work their way under her shirt and she lets out a cry for help.
"GET OFF HER!" I yell, yanking Aiden back with all my strength. But he was stronger. Much stronger.

All it takes is one swift blow and even after that, my head bangs against the side of my desk as I collapse to the floor. I'm barely conscious but I can still see Aiden climb back on Lydia as she struggled to get free under his grip. His hands mess with the waistband of her sweatpants and I try to stand, only to fall back down.
"STILES." She screams through tears but I'm too weak, my eyes closing to an unconscious state.

I lurch forward, a deep scream erupting from my throat as I wake for a fourth time, not only struggling to breath but fidgeting about in an attempt to get away from the previous dream.
"STILES! STILES!" Lydia sits up pulling me to her as I still yell and move about. She presses my head into her shoulder, rocking back and forth  as my screams quiet into cries and my movements stop.

I grab a hold of her arm, panting as she strokes my hair with one of her hands.
"You're okay. You're okay." She repeats and I nod, sniffling back a tear.
"Are you real?" I ask, my voice groggy from screaming myself awake.
"Yes." She nods. Just to make sure, I grab her other hand, counting each finger carefully before replacing it and leaning more into her body.

"What happened?" She asks and I sigh.
Her arms squeeze tight around my body and I place my hand on her knee, giving a squeeze back.
"Night terror. Dream within a dream within a dream." I whisper, clearing my throat a bit.

"What about?" She asks. My body chills and I stop moving against her soft rocking motions. She stops too, pulling me away from her so she can look at my face. A tear falls down my cheek and she wipes it away causing more to fall. I didn't ever want anything to happen to her. I didn't want to see her hurt.
"It's okay. It's okay, you don't have to tell me." She coos, hugging me again and I shut my eyes as tight as possible.

Authors note:
Can someone order a
1-800-hotline bling sweatshirt please?
Comment, read, enjoy!

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