16. Go to War

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{lol so they actually used this song in season 5a and I just now figured that out😅}
Stiles pov:
Yes.... I got in VERY much trouble. And if the principal was smart, he would've banned me from lacrosse but, like Ms. Blake, he'd had an exhausting Sunday.
Out of school suspension, on Thursday but I wouldn't really consider that a punishment since I could just watch Netflix all day.

"Where's your motorcycle, bad boy?" Lydia smirks, joining me as I lean against my jeep in the school parking lot. I push my sunglasses farther up my nose with a sigh.
"Got condemned." I say gruffly and Lydia laughs.
"What time are tryouts?" Lydia asks, leaning into my side. I throw my head back, looking towards the sky.

"Like in an hour." I mumble. Lydia tenses and I look down at her.
"What?" I ask and Lydia takes in a deep breath, biting her lip.
"I know I said I would be there but... I kind of had plans with Aiden..." She mutters. I break away from her, starting to pace slightly in front of the jeep. She'd already promised to be there and she broke it for Aiden.

"Yeah it's fine." I say, maybe a little too annoyed.
"I'll make it up to you though." She smiles sweetly but my pacing never slows. I don't know why I was so ticked. Maybe it was the fact that I hated Aiden or maybe it was some form of jealously but I was angry, non the less. And I couldn't keep my mouth closed.

"Why do you freaking do that Lydia?Always bringing me down to shit making me feel like I'm nothing?" I yell and Lydia stares at me in disbelief. "Because you're perfect and you can get away with it and that's why I never say anything!"

"To hell, I'm not perfect, Stiles!" She shouts back, pushing off the jeep and standing in my view. "What is with you?!" She asks.
I purse my lips. "You hypnotize me with that smile and your innocent little voice and you make me feel guilty for crap I didn't even do! Like now, I have no clue why I'm yelling at you right now besides the fact that I feel bad that you feel bad for missing a stupid lacrosse tryout!" I growl. Lydia grips the strap on her bag.

"I'll talk to you later." She says, brushing past me to her car. My gaze follows her as she walks off and I let out a grunt of frustration, leaning over the hood of the jeep. Screw this. Screw this life where I've always liked my best friend and she's never noticed.


"You okay man?" Scott asks as we walk from the locker room and onto the field. I was more storming than actually walking, Scott jogging slightly to keep up.

"Fine." I grumble, shoving my gloves on as we sit on the benches. Truth was I was still pissed and Scott could clearly see that.  I go to stand but Scott puts a hand on my chest, holding me down.
"Just don't do anything stupid." He states.
I shrug him off. "I'm just going to blow off a little steam."

I jog onto the field as the other players put their equipment on near the benches. I loop a ball into the net of my stick before chucking it full force at the net. Easy goal especially since Danny wasn't actually in the goal yet.
"YO DANNY!" I yell to the bleachers and the tan skinned boy appears, running onto the field towards me.

"What's up?" He asks, out of breath.
"Spot me?" I point towards the goal and he nods, going to his usual position. Once again, I pick a ball up with my net, once again throwing it towards the goal. Danny tries to block it, but it easily flies by him and I score.

One after another, I throw the ball to the net, the whole time thinking about Aiden and Lydia to fuel my fire. Finally, I drop the the ground, lying on my back and taking in deep breathes. Coaches image appears in my view and I gulp.

"Congrats Stilinski. You made first line." He states and I stare at him confused.
"Tryouts haven't even started yet, Coach." I say between pants. He offers me a hand and I take it, standing.
"I just saw your little show, no need for you to tryout. You're on the team!" He grins, patting me on the back and I nod in appreciation.


"How did tryouts go?" Lydia asks, causing me to glance up from my lap. I sat on ye old stump basically contemplating life and feeling bad for yelling at Lydia. She takes a seat next to me and my gaze returns to my lap.

"Made first line without even trying out." I mumble.
"That's great!" I can see Lydia smiling from the corner of my eye and I turn to her.
"I'm sorry... For yelling at you. I'm just not particularly fond of Aiden." I sigh and Lydia grins.

"Particularly fond?" She asks and I roll my eyes. She'd forgiven me. Things could finally be back to normal. Besides the fact that I was in love with my best friend.


Authors note:
Just a for warning, the next chapter is gonna kick you in the gut and you'll be like "WHAT WTF CHLOE?!" And I'll say "I KNOW BUT CRAP HAPPENS!"
Also it will be placed on Friday(the day of bowling) so... Yeah.

{guess the song ^😋}

Comment, read, enjoy!

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