6. Classic

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Stiles pov:
Today was odd. After Allison's little morning visit to my room, I was just really happy. Walking down the halls towards the cafeteria, smiling widely and probably creeping a few of the freshman out. I sat with a sigh, taking my usual spot next to Lydia and everyone stares at me.
"You look serial killer happy..." Lydia comments and I shrug, stealing one of her fries. She slaps my hand as I steal another, causing me to chuckle.

"Go get your own." She complains and I sigh.
"I just sat down..." I bat my eyes, handing her a dollar bill. She gets up with a huff, messing up my hair before walking to the lunch line.
"Hate you!" She yells.
"Love you too!" I shout back with a smirk. I turn back around, noticing Allison and Scott staring at me.

"What?" I ask and they exchange a glance. Scott couldn't help himself, he starts to chuckle before speaking.
"You drool?" He laughs causing me to glare at Allison. I give her a desperate look.
"When did you even get the time to tell him!? It happened this morning!" I half whisper half shout. Scott slams his hands on the table, grabbing my attention.

"What was the dream?" Scott asks and I shrug.
"Nothing that could ever happen." I sigh, looking towards Lydia in the lunch line. Scott follows my gaze along with Allison and they exchange glances at each other.
"It was about Lydia?" Scott whispers.
I snap my head back towards him. "Y-yeah." I stutter, mentally cursing myself.

Scott raises his eyebrows. "Oh... It was about Lydia." He implies and I purse my lips.
Allison scrunched up her nose. "Ew." She shakes her head and I start to frantically try and explain.
"No, no, no. It didn't- I mean it was just kind of implied that we... Because she said something and we kissed... And-" I shut my mouth as Lydia returns to her spot beside me, handing me my fries.

I thank her before shoving a bunch of them in my mouth, causing her to laugh.
"You know what we should do?" Allison speaks up and we all look towards her.
"We should have a sleepover. Like when we were little kids and crap."
"Sounds like a great idea." Scott smiles. I glare at the two, they were up to something.
"Depends, can we watch Star Wars?" I ask.
"NO." They all reply at the same time causing me to roll my eyes.
We all decided to hold the sleepover at mine and Allison's house since it was the most combine my and while we were setting up I couldn't help but think how stupid this was.

"I feel like I'm twelve." I groan, setting different varieties of chips on the coffee table. Allison enters the living room, two large bottles of soda under each arm. We both sit back into the couch with a sigh and Allison closes her eyes.
"That's the point, Stiles. I miss spending time with you guys." She mumbles.
"You've been spending a lot of time with Scott." I intend for her not to hear it but her eyes snap open.

"God forbid that we actually like each other." Her tone of voice is serious and instead of fighting back like I usually would, I drop it. Dad then rushes in from his room, struggling to pull on his jacket while he slips on his work shoes.
"Going to be late to work, have fun kids!" He yells before jogging out of the house.

A few minutes later Scott shows up and shortly after that so does Lydia. We watch a couple of horror movies, throwing popcorn and chips at each other while downing sodas along the way.
"You know what we should do?" Scott says, sitting up from his current position. We all look at him intently as he tries to form the words. "We should play tipsy truth or dare."

Everyone agrees and Allison gets off of the couch, grabbing a six pack from the fridge and returning to the living room. We each grab a beer, popping them open and chugging half of it down. Lydia goes first, turning to me.
"Truth or dare?" She asks.
"Dare." I respond almost immediately. I was not going to be suckered into telling her who I like... Which would be her.

"I dare you to...." She studies her surroundings as she thinks of what to say. "I dare you to drink the rest of your beer in under a minute." She says. I shrug, quickly downing the liquid and popping open another one. It's pretty obvious by now that I'm the only one who is truly tipsy.

"Truth or dare." I ask Scott.
He doesn't even hesitate. "Truth."
I purse my lips for a moment. Truth. Truth. Truth...
"Have you ever kissed Allison?" I ask, a smirk on my face. Scott grows pale and Allison rolls her eyes.
"Don't turn it into one of those games, Stiles." She glares.
"I just want to know!" I grumble, turning back to Scott.

He nods slowly and I bite the inside of my cheek to avoid doing something I might regret. He sighs, turning to my sister.
"Dare." Allison answers before Scott can ask.
"Pick a number between one and ten." He says. We all stare at him, confused but he nods to ensure Allison.
"Five?" It comes out more of a question but Scott looks pleased with himself.

"Okayyyyy. Lydia?" She turns to the strawberry blonde.
"Dare." Her voice is confident and she takes a sip of her beer.
"I dare you to kiss Stiles." Allison smirks and my heart drops to my stomach.
"What?" I ask, making sure what she said was real.
"If she doesn't do it she has to grab another beer. You know the rules." Allison looks absolutely evil at this point and I mentally strangle her.

Lydia clears her throat, taking another swig of her beer before scooting over to me. She looks me in the eyes as if asking if I was fine with this and I nod. She smiles slightly before leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine. It wasn't quick like I thought she would've. Not a little peck on the lips. This was a full on kiss. She pulls away slightly before pressing us back together, taking me by surprise. What was actually happening? I couldn't help but feel like I was in my dream again as she reconnected us for a third time.

"I said kiss not make out." Allison grumbles and we separate fully this time, Lydia moving back to her spot. I wipe my lips on the back of my hand, trying my best not to break out into a grin.
Authors note:

Because I Can't Lose You (a Stydia story){complete}Where stories live. Discover now