20. Because I can't lose you

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Stiles pov:
I lock eyes with her. "You read my report?" I ask in a hushed tone. Hesitantly she steps towards me, nodding slightly.
"It was on your desk and I just..." There's a pause , her eyes glancing at the ground. She knew. She had to know. I step forward slightly and her eyes reconnect with mine.

"She's really special. The girl you wrote about, I mean." Lydia smiles but there's something more behind her eyes. Almost a sadness. She reaches in her back pocket, pulling out a crinkled piece of notebook paper and handing it to me. "I think it's only fair if you read mine now." She smiles again, hugging me quickly before walking away. I let out a breath I didn't realize I held in and flatten out the paper before reading it.

He was there. He was always there. But somehow it was different than when we were in grade school. This time I wasn't afraid to hold his hand in mine or kiss him on the cheek before I left. I could hide it like it was no big deal, being around him constantly as though I hadn't liked him since we were eight. Now that we're older, he had gotten more confidence too. He'd grab my hand when we walk and Id lean into him. But I knew he liked someone else. He had said so right in front of me. So I had to lay off and let him love someone else knowing he'd never feel the way I've always felt about him. The boy with the brown hair and caramel eyes. My best friend.

My grip tightens around the paper as I read the last words. Lydia liked me? Lydia's always liked me? I quickly fold the paper up and shove it in my back pocket. I needed to find her. My feet automatically take off running down the hall Lydia had come from as I search for her my mind racing with the thought of her paper.

Finally, I find Lydia by her locker and I rush up to her, breathless.
"You wrote your paper about me?" I ask and she looks down at the ground.
"Does it matter?" She asks solemnly.
"Yes. It does. Now answer my question." I say a little more forceful then I meant to. She closes her locker, turning to me.

"Why do you care?" She spits.
"Because I can't lose you!" I yell. Before I can register what's happening, I find myself cupping her face with my hands and crashing my lips to hers. At first, she doesn't kiss back but eventually she melts into me, placing her hands lightly on my chest. We pull away and my hands fall to my side as I stare into her glistening eyes.

"I didn't mean to-" she cuts me off with another kiss and my hands instinctively flock to her cheeks again. Her lips dance with mine and I can't help but think maybe I'm imagining this. My best friend that I've liked since forever had liked me back the whole time.

"I wrote my paper about you, idiot." I say once we break apart again and she chuckles slightly. "Lydia, I've had a crush on you since the third grade." I grin and she smiles back, arms still wrapped around my neck.

"Me too." She whispers. "You mean this whole time...we could've been together?" She asks.
I lick my lips. "We could be together now."
She smiles, hugging me tightly and I hug her right back.
"I'd love that." She mumbles into my chest and I rest my chin on her head.

The rest of the world didn't notice us nor care what was going on and that was fine. It didn't matter because Lydia was my world. She unwraps herself from me and I brush a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"We should get to class." I mumble. Her smile never fades as she presses one last longing kiss to my lips.

We walk down the hall to English, hand in hand like any other stereotypical relationship. But I didn't care. It felt nice. Allison and Scott were already chatting it up when we got to class, sitting down in our regular spots across from them. Lydia taps her nails on the wooden surface of the her desk and I place my hand over hers. She looks at me as I rub my thumb in circles across her skin, blushing.

Ms. Blake walks in, starting to collect essays and I look over to Allison. She stares at Lydia and my hands, giving me a gentle smile as if saying, well done.


Lydia's pov:
Stiles had loved me the whole time I had loved him. I knew from the moment I first laid eyes on him, I'd have that boy one day. Then he became my best friend and I was more than ecstatic when I found out he had a sister our age. I never told Allison that I liked her brother though. I never told anyone, ever. And, granted, it was hard keeping my emotions a secret.

But now... Now I had him all to myself.
"Allison. You can let go of me now." I sigh as Allison squeezes me to death in a hug. She squeals, pulling away from me while jumping up and down.
"You like him? You've liked him the whole time?!!!!" She exclaims and I nod, blushing slightly.

"Allison! Scott's downstairs for-" Stiles barges into Allison's room, his words falling short once he spies me.
"What are you doing here?" He asks through a grin.
"You know... Just grocery shopping." I reply sarcastically. Allison rolls her eyes, shoving me, along with Stiles, out of her room.

She bounces down the stairs and I can hear her greet Scott before the front door clicks closed. Stiles takes in a deep breath before grabbing my hand and dragging me downstairs. We sit down on the couch and he turns on Star Wars but I don't object.

Stiles pov:

Lydia leans into my side, her feet up on the couch as we start to watch the third episode of Star Wars and I can tell she's starting to get tired. I wrap my arm around her, my hand lying on her waist while her hand rests on my chest. I can feel her eyes glued to me and I chuckle.

"What are you staring at me?" I ask. Lydia takes two fingers and slowly walks them down to my abdomen.
"You sir, are attractive. Therefore, I will stare at you." Lydia's hand slips under the hem of my shirt, her index finger lightly tracing circles into my stomach. I sigh, sinking further into the couch and closing my eyes, getting sleepy myself.

"We could try again, you know." Lydia mutters and my eyes snap open, looking down to her.
"Try what?" I ask. She smirks, getting up and sitting on my lap, her legs on either side of mine and our chests pressed against each other's.

"This." Her lips press against mine in a gentle kiss and I smile. Her hands move to cup my cheeks as her lips meet mine again, slightly rougher than the last. Her hips roll on mine and I moan into our current kiss.

"Shit, Lyds, don't do that." I break away and she laughs, smiling brightly.
"You called me Lyds." She pecks me on the lips, starting to get off my lap but I place I hands on her waist, pulling her back to me.

"Whoah, whoah, whoah. Where do you think you're going?" I grin, bringing her lips to mine in a long, sweet kiss.
We separate and she smiles.
"Can we just make out and watch Star Wars?" I ask causing her to laugh again, nodding.

Authors note:
Comment, read, enjoy!

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