Chapter 15

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Zane slowly pulls on an expensive tunic and trousers that were nicely folded on his bed

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Zane slowly pulls on an expensive tunic and trousers that were nicely folded on his bed. He takes a moment and looks at himself in the large mirror that hangs near the door to his room. He stares at a person in the mirror that he barely recognizes. He takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly in an attempt to calm his nerves. "I don't think an entire harvest would be enough to pay for these clothes," he whispers aloud as he tries to neglect the fact that he's going to have to tell the townspeople what happened.

He hears commotion from a group of people that seems to echo throughout the castle. His anxiety spikes as he realizes that the townspeople have arrived. He takes another deep breath and blows it out loudly. He heads out the door into the hall and walks toward the ballroom. He doesn't remember the last time that he was this nervous. As he walks through the extravagant large doors that lead into the ballroom, everyone's attention turns to him. His anxiety spikes once again, but somber spirits quickly fade to excitement at the sight of the young man they've known for years. He hears his name being called out from every direction. His anxiety instantly ceases as he feels a boost of energy and excitement kick in. Everyone approaches and embraces him except for Beedo and his mother Mirah. They wait until everyone else is done before they approach him. They both have smiles on their faces, but he can tell they are hurting beneath those forced smiles. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more," apologizes Zane as he gives both Mirah and Beedo a hug while trying to hold back the tears starting to swell up in his eyes.

"No. This wasn't your fault. You did everything you could do. We're just glad that you were able to make it out of there," explains Mirah as she comforts him.

"Well, I may not have been able to do anything about it then, but once I am fully healed, I will learn to use my powers and all the rebels will pay for what has been done," promises Zane as his sadness and guilt turn to anger.

"Don't go getting yourself killed. We just got you back. I know it hurts and you want revenge, but we need you," admits Mirah.

"What do you mean?" asks Zane.

"We all thought you were dead as well bro," pipes up Beedo.

"When we were initially told what happened, they said that everyone was killed. About a week later, Lord Gregor came to Gelwyn and told us that you were still alive, but recuperating from some injuries you sustained during the fight. You have no idea how much that meant to the entire town to know what you did and that you were still alive. Every one of us needed something positive during those dark hours, and you gave that to us," adds Mirah.

"Did Aunt Martha and Uncle Charles not come with you guys?" Zane asks with concern.

"They wanted to be here but Martha wasn't feeling well, so Charles stayed back as well to take care of her," explains Mirah.

"Is it serious?" asks Zane even more concerned now.

"She's going to be just fine," interrupts Lord Garrin. I just sent a healer to take care of her. I also instructed the healer not to leave until she has completely recovered."

"Thank you my Lord," replies Zane.

"Like I said before, you and the people of Gelwyn will be taken care of from now on," declares Garrin.

"We really appreciate all of your hospitality and the help you've given to us my Lord" adds Mirah.

"It has been my pleasure. Would you like something to drink?" asks Garrin as he beckons her to follow him.

Mirah follows Garrin toward the serving area as they continue their conversation.

"So it's true? You do have magic?" questions Beedo.

"As strange as it sounds, it's true. I hardly believe it myself even though I saw it happen," answers Zane.

"Did he go quick?" asks Beedo referring to his father Gabriel.

"It was quick," answers Zane with a sad tone in his voice.

"How did it happen?" questions Beedo needing to know even though he didn't want to ask.

"He and I were the last of the townspeople left when I tried to attack the man he was fighting. As I got close to the man, I turned around because I heard someone chasing me. I wasn't quick enough though. A split second later, the man that was fighting your father was standing over me and grabbing my sword. I noticed that he wasn't moving, and then I killed them both before they could kill me," explains Zane.

Beedo shakes his head and sighs loudly before feeling the need to change the subject. "I heard that once you heal up, they're going to send you to school to be Elite Guard. Is that true?" asks Beedo.

"Yeah. Lord Garrin just informed me earlier today," answers Zane.

"Good. If you ever get to a position where you are going after the rebel leadership, I want to be there to make sure they suffer before they die."

"I will make sure of it." Promises Zane.

Zane and Beedo continue to talk for a while about what they've each been up to over the past couple weeks, until Beedo notices that Lord Garrin has been spending quite a bit of time with his mother since they arrived.

"So what's his story?" Asks Beedo motioning to Lord Garrin.

"What do you mean?"

"What's he like?"

"Well, he's been overly good to me. I honestly think he's lonely and very kind hearted. I mean, just look at the things he's done for me. Why do you ask?" Inquires Zane.

"I was just curious because it seems like he's trying to make a move on my mother."

"Well, you do have to admit that your mother is a very beautiful woman. I don't think he's trying to put the moves on her. I can tell that he's a good person and losing a spouse is something they both have in common. From what I know of him, he is more than likely trying to console her by telling her how he dealt with the same situation." Explains Zane.

A messenger barges in and runs over to Lord Garrin out of breath. Beedo and Zane move closer to see if they can find out what is going on. The messenger leans down and whispers something into his ear. Garrin's eyes widen and a look of surprise spreads across his face. They overhear that Chancellor Ademar is on his way, and that no one else can know until preparations can be made. Garrin nods and then summons Lord Gregor with a calm hand gesture. As Gregor nears, they overhear Garrin say that they need to head to the Coral Coast Island Academy. Gregor nods in agreement and then heads out of the room.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen. I just want to let you all know that something important has come up and I must take leave. I am deeply sorry but I want you to continue to enjoy yourselves and I will return in the morning." Announces Garrin.

"I wonder what happened?" Asks Zane as Lord Garrin leaves the room. 

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