Chapter 37

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Zane stirs as he dreams of the rebel attack that nearly left him dead

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Zane stirs as he dreams of the rebel attack that nearly left him dead. He sweats profusely and mumbles incoherently as Rose shakes him awake. He sits up abruptly and looks around in a confused state.

"Are you alright?" Asks Rose as he looks at her with a blank stare.

"Are you alright?" She asks again.

He takes a deep breath and wipes sweat off his face.

"Yeah, I'm alright." He concludes.

"You were having a nightmare. Was it about the attack?" She questions.

"Yeah, but you were there with me." He confesses.

"Well, it was just a dream." She declares as she sits up and hugs him.

He closes his eyes for a moment and enjoys her warm embrace as he remembers he will be leaving soon.

"I have to get my things packed and you should probably sneak back to your room before your father finds out you've been sleeping in here." He announces as he kisses her forehead.

"I know." She agrees as she kisses him back. "Hurry and get your things ready so we can at least spend a little time together before you have to leave."

"I will." He agrees as she gets out of bed and quietly exits his room.

He slowly edges to the side of the bed and stretches. He yawns loudly as he crosses the room to open the large curtains. Light spills into the room as he rubs his eyes. As his eyes adjust, he notices a large trunk with his name scribed into the side that is already packed full of his things. He smiles as he realizes that Sherry has already been in his room. He grabs clothing that has been folded neatly from a table next to the trunk. After fully dressed, he straps on his uncle's sword, and puts the book of potions that William gave him, into a satchel slung over his shoulder. He grabs the large trunk and pulls it to the doorway as he looks around the room to see if he forgot anything. As he exits his room, he notices Dekker dragging a trunk down the hallway.

"Good morning." Announces Dekker.

"Good morning." Returns Zane.

"You're new life awaits." Smiles Dekker.

"Yeah. I'm going to miss being here though." Admits Zane.

"Don't worry, she will miss you too." Insinuates Dekker.

Zane smiles as they pull their trunks to the foyer. They work together to carry the two trunks from the entrance to where Lord Ademar awaits near one of the carriages.

"You two will be riding with me." Declares Ademar as he motions toward his carriage.

"I've never been in such a nice carriage." Admits Zane as they load up the two trunks.

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