Chapter 51

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Zane sits in the carriage still awake as everyone else sleeps

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Zane sits in the carriage still awake as everyone else sleeps. His arm rests on Rose's side as she lies across his lap. He looks to his right and smiles as Dekker mumbles in his sleep while his cheek is pressed firmly against the wall of the carriage. He looks across from him as Beedo and Caine shift with every bump to get comfortable on the rear facing bench seat. Another bump shifts Dekker to where he starts mumbling louder.

"I don't want to get up yet. Just let me sleep a little longer." Mumbles Dekker.

Caine busts out laughing and startles Zane.

"Are you awake? Asks Zane as he attempts to look closer at Caine.

"Yeah. It's hard to get comfortable in these things." Answers Caine as he leans forward into the moonlight that streams through the windows of the carriage.

"Sorry. I couldn't tell whether you were awake or not. You blend well with the darkness of the night." Admits Zane.

Caine Laughs.

"Yes, my dark skin allows me to become invisible in the darkness. I imagine it would be very useful if I were to become a spy." Smiles Caine.

"Very true." Laughs Zane. "I always thought it would be fun to be a spy, but I think my bright green eyes would give away my identity."

"Yeah, they would definitely give you away. However, if you were able to find a way to change the appearance of your eyes, your tan skin would allow you to pass yourself off as a Farookian. Your family's eyes are a blessing, but would be a curse in this instance." Explains Caine.

"Who else has green eyes in my family? I thought the Brinons were known for their piercing blue eyes."

"They are. Your Uncle Navar and your mother had green eyes though." Continues Caine.

"Oh. I didn't know that. I did always find it interesting how different the people of the seven kingdoms are. The majority of the world has brown hair and brown eyes, but then you have kingdoms, or former kingdoms where the people are completely different, like the Bolbec's for instance. Your people are the only people in the known world with black skin. Then my family is known for blue eyes on the Brinon side, and apparently green on the Kandrel side. Then there's the Farookians who are large people with tan skin, the Hrothmarians are giants, the people of Pontius have yellow skin with black hair and eyes, Demurians have black hair and eyes with light skin, the Aukland's have yellow hair with blue eyes, the Efren's with their red hair and blue eyes, and then the Chora's with yellow hair and brown eyes. It's quite strange that those few places produce people that are so different from the rest of the world." Declares Zane.

"Your right. It is quite strange, but the Kandrel's aren't known for green eyes though. You, your mother, and Navar are the only one's who have ever been known to have green eyes." Explains Caine.

"I wonder why that is?" Questions Zane.

"I don't know." Answers Caine as he shakes his head. "People have come up with all sorts of conclusions, but nobody knows for sure."

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