Chapter 68

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Crispin and Pratticus ride alone through the night, completely drenched as less than desirable weather rolls in and downpours for most of their journey. Winds begin to push the storms West and their misery finally ends as they near Merriam in the early hours just before the sun rises from behind the Taramure Mountains. Though they are soaked, they pull the hoods of their modest clothing back onto their heads to try and hide their appearance as they enter Merriam. The streets are vacant, causing them to worry as the silence makes them anxious. Hoof beats on the cobblestone street seem to reverberate throughout the city with each step they take toward the city square. Crispin fights back the urge to cough as his cold returns.

"I don't like this. It's too quiet," admits Pratticus feeling uneasy.

"It is a bit eerie. Though it is still quite early," reassures Crispin.

They keep watchful eyes as they slowly make their way through the city until they finally reach the city square. They head into the stables and dismount their horses. As Crispin steps onto the ground, he quickly pulls his sword as a man leaps from the shadows with his sword drawn, ready to attack. Crispin recognizes the man as his face comes into view. "David, it's me!" announces Crispin as he pulls the hood off his head to reveal his face.

"Sorry!" retracts David as he steps back and puts his sword away. "I thought you were Rebels."

Pratticus hesitates to put his sword away until Crispin nods to him.

"We cannot talk freely in the open. Come, follow me," insists David.

They follow as David leads them through the stables into the darkest corner. David opens a door and enters a small room lit by a single candle. He unhooks his sword from his belt and leans it up against a shelf before he sits down at a table where the candle flickers. Crispin sits at the table across from him as Pratticus stands, untrusting as he rests his hand on the hilt of his sword attached to his belt.

"What had you so jumpy when we entered? I thought the Rebels didn't suspect you?" questions Crispin.

"They do now," admits David. "I'm not safe anymore."

"What changed?" demands Crispin.

"I'm not entirely sure what to believe," reveals David. "The Rebels have been after me since I last saw Ezra in Lanagan. I'm not sure whether they uncovered his identity and saw he and I talking, or if he turned on us."

"So the last time you saw him was the night of the Rebel meeting?" questions Crispin.

"Yeah," answers David. "He was in a hurry when I saw him and he told me to give you a message when you came looking for him. He insisted that you find his horse in Lanagan."

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