Chapter 31

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Zane cautiously peeks around the doorway of his room down the hallway

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Zane cautiously peeks around the doorway of his room down the hallway. He suspiciously looks the other way as he hears voices echoing from the dining hall. He listens attentively for a moment to see if he is the topic of discussion, expecting to be in trouble for freezing all of Coral Bay. He doesn't hear his name so he continues slowly down the hallway. As he nears the source of the voices coming from the dining hall, he recognizes the voices of Sherry and Fallon. Relieved, he walks into the room and approaches them.

"What's the matter?" Questions Sherry as she notices an odd look upon his face.

The look on his face quickly turns to a suspicious one.

"I don't know. What have you heard?" Zane retorts seeming to interrogate her.

"Is there something that I should have heard?" Sherry responds back with the same interrogating look he is giving her.

"I guess not." He replies convinced that she suspects nothing.

"Alright then." She continues.

"Alright." He concludes as he walks slowly out of the room periodically looking back at her as he heads toward the library.

"What was that about?" Asks Fallon.

"I'm not entirely sure." Laughs Sherry. "I suspect he did something and was seeing if I knew anything.

"That was very peculiar." Adds Fallon.

"I imagine he has come to the conclusion that I know everything that goes on around here." Sherry declares as she walks toward the library. "I'll be right back.

She peeks around the corner of the doorway to the library to see him sitting in deep thought.

"So what are you up to?" Interrupts Sherry.

"I'm not up to anything. What are you up to?" Inquires Zane.

"I'm just trying to figure out why you are acting so strangely."

"I'm not acting strange. You're acting strange. Actually, I have a question." States Zane changing the subject.


"I want to do something romantic for Rose before I have to leave. Would you mind helping me?" Asks Zane.

"Of course I will. What would you like to do?"

"I would like to do a nice dinner for just the two of us. Maybe in the banquet hall."

"I could set that up. Is there anything special you would like?" She asks.

"I was thinking that it could be a small table with flowers, and then maybe only one or two candles. Could you also make another one of your desserts from my apples? I wasn't sure if you had any left after the masquerade ball."

"I still have a few, and I can definitely do that. I'll let you know when it's ready."

"Thank you." He smiles.

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