Chapter 43

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Ademar pulls Zane to the side as the rest of the students go back to practicing on their logs

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Ademar pulls Zane to the side as the rest of the students go back to practicing on their logs. He guides Zane over to the edge of the practice field where rock benches allow spectators to watch.

"How did you do that?" Questions Ademar as they sit.

"I don't know." Answers Zane.

"I have never seen anyone be able to manipulate a spell after it had already been used."

"What do you mean?" Asks Zane.

"When I use that same spell, once I freeze something, the spell is done. I have to use another spell to counteract the first one if I want to melt the ice. You didn't use a second spell, you manipulated the first one." Explains Ademar.

"It did feel different this time. I could feel the spell even though it was no longer inside me. I felt like I could still control it, so I did. I've felt it before though."

"When?" Asks Ademar.

"When Dekker and I were practicing at Lord Garrin's house. I accidentally froze Coral Bay." Admits Zane.

"I heard about that. There are quite a few fisherman from Coral City that are still angry about that." Scolds Ademar.

"I didn't mean to do it!" Defends Zane. "It just happened. I could feel the spell and I couldn't stop giving it more strength. So the ice continued to spread until I used the light spell."

"So not only can you manipulate the spell by counteracting it, you can also increase the strength and possibly lower it? That's amazing." States Ademar getting a bit giddy.

"I thought everyone could control the strength of their spells?" Questions Zane.

"We can, but not like you. We have to determine the strength of the spell we want to use, as we use it. We can't increase or lower the strength of the spell after we've used it." Continues Ademar.

"I didn't realize that." Admits Zane.

"Come with me. I'm curious to see what you can do." Confesses Ademar as he stands up.

Zane follows as Ademar into the building as Professor Bruce takes over instructing the rest of the class. They enter a large room that has practice logs standing in the middle of it.

"This room is where we test the full abilities of each student who comes to the School of Sorcery. It is warded to contain even the strongest of spells, from either destroying the room or the rest of the building." Explains Ademar.

Zane admires the strangely shaped octagon room, and then looks up at the sky through the large dome window in the ceiling.

"I want you to focus on the log and practice only freezing half of it. Then I want you to practice manipulating the spell. Increase the strength to were it freezes the entire log, then shrink it back down if you can." Instructs Ademar.

"Alright." Agrees Zane as he stares at the log.

Ademar quietly observes Zane as he stands next to him. Zane searches for the spell and then freezes most of the log.

"Good. That wasn't half, but it wasn't the whole log this time. See if you can melt the ice and try again." Coaches Ademar.

Zane does as instructed, turning the block of ice into a puddle of water on the floor. He snaps his fingers and the pool of water evaporates into a misty fog. Ademar's eyes instantly light up as he watches Zane continue on to freeze half of the log.

"That was pretty amazing." Admits Ademar.

"Oh I'm not done." Boasts Zane.

He holds out his hand and increases the strength of the spell. The ice completely engulfs the log before shrinking back down to just the top. He pulls the block of ice from the log to where it floats in mid air, and then snaps his fingers again. Ademar flinches as the ice explodes toward them, but the chunks stop before they reach them. The pieces of ice hover in front of their faces before Zane causes them to form back into one solid piece. He moves his hand and the solid block elongates into the shape of a spear. He waves his hand as to dismiss someone and the icy spear shoots completely through the log, leaving a hole the size of his fist.

"How was that?" Questions Zane as he smiles proudly.

"I don't even know what to say right now. I've never seen anything like that." Admits Ademar in a state of shock.

"So I did good?" Asks Zane, already knowing the answer by the look on his face.

"I can't believe you just did that!" Screams Ademar in excitement.

"I can't either!" Laughs Zane.

"If you can learn how to do that in just one day, there's no telling what you may be capable of after years of practice. I honestly can't wait to see more, but I think we've done enough for today. Let's go to my office and have a drink." Insists Ademar.

"Sounds good to me." Agrees Zane.

They exit the training room and head down the hallway to Ademar's office. Ademar seats himself behind a large desk at the far side of the room as Zane sits in one of the chairs in front of the desk. Ademar grabs a bottle of wine and two glasses, and pours them each a drink. He hands one to Zane and clinks his glass against Zane's before they drink.

"I have to admit, I've always thought that you would be capable of amazing things, but it's still a shock to watch it unfold. Your Mother and Father would be very proud of you." Acknowledges Ademar.

"Thank you. So what made you think that I would be different?" Questions Zane.

"Your Mother was different as well." Confesses Ademar.

"How so?"

"She had powers as well, and not just the power to heal. She was almost as powerful as her brother Navaar." Discloses Ademar.

"How is that possible?"

"It is rumored that your mother didn't have the same father as Navaar and Queen Ellanor. Your Grandmother was from the Kingdom of Pontius. She would return every now and then to visit her family. It's said that after an argument with your Grandfather, she stayed in Pontius with her family for about a year before she finally came back. When she returned, she had a baby with her that she had named Lia. Your Grandfather accused her of adultery but she always denied it even though the timing didn't quite add up. He continued to grow suspicious as your Mother grew up and started using powers that she shouldn't have had. So he was often very cruel toward her and treated her as an outcast, but he also feared what she could do. After your Grandmother died, witnesses spoke of seeing your Grandmother spending quite a bit of time with a man while she was in Pontius. The man they referred to was the same man who later saved Pontius from being destroyed when Demure attempted to invade. They called him the Dragon Lord." Explains Ademar.

"William spoke of that same man!" Reveals Zane. "He said he witnessed the man do incredible things during the attack. He told me that the man gave him a book of these crazy spell-producing potions. William gave that book to me because he said that the Dragon Lord prophesied my existence, and the book were to be given to me. The Dragon Lord said that I would be able to do unexplainable things like him." Reveals Zane.

"It makes complete sense now. You are the Grandson of the Dragon Lord!" Announces Ademar.

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