1. Ziall: Unpreventable

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Here's one of my random ass ideas to start it off :3 It's hella' short though....

Prompt: Niall dies in a car crash on the way home from his and Zayn's one year anniversary dinner and Zayn is talking to Niall's ghost.


 Niall stands starring blankly ahead of him. Silently Zayn comes to stand next to his lover.

      "You okay?" Zayn asks.

      Niall tears his gaze from the tree before him to look into Zayn's tired eyes. "I...I don't know really, it all feels kinda' surreal y'know?" Niall sighs. "Are you okay?"

      Zayn casts his gaze back to the tree. "I don't think I'll ever be okay. I don't think I will ever forgive myself...it should have been me!"

      Niall gently puts his pale, slightly transparent arm around Zayn. "It isn't your fault!" He soothes. The two fall into a peaceful silence.

      "Promise me something Niall?" Zayn asks quietly, breaking the silence.

     Niall looks up at him.

     "Promise you'll never leave me..." Zayn whispers

     "Promise" Niall nods, a soft but sad smile playing on his lips.

     "Forever?" Zayn's eyes fill with hope, Niall may be dead, but as long as Zayn could see him, they were still together.

     Niall sighs softly. "Beyond forever"

     The two fall back into silence and stare ahead of them at the very decorated tree. It was the tree Zayn had crashed the car into two days ago. Niall had died on impact and Zayn probably won't ever forgive himself for what he did. He should have been paying more attention to the road. But he wasn't, he had looked away to light a cigarette. That's a decision he will regret for the rest of his life.

     "I'm scared." Zayn admits. "If you stay with me, I'll just get old. I could be like, eighty-three and you'll still be nineteen..."

     "Nineteen forever" Niall nods, not taking his eyes off the tree ahead of him. Right in the middle of the tree, surrrounded by all the flowers and candles, layed down by the people of town to pay respects to the Horan family is a photo of him. Not super large, but in a small frame, under the photo is a small plaque that reads Niall James Horan, 1993-2013. And he reads it to himself, over and over again, cursing, because this tree, that plaque, those flowers, they make everything feel so much more real.

     "Does that not bother you?" Zayn whispers. The fact Niall isn't mad at him is killing him even more. Niall shouldn't have died, he didn't deserve it! Why do bad things always happen to good people?

     Niall sucks in a deep breath but remains silent for a few moments longer, "I guess some things are just...unpreventable" He says, looking into Zayn's tear filled eyes. He reaches up a ghostly pale hand to wipe the tears away as they fall. "Hey, what's done is done okay? I want you to stop crying over this. Can you do that? For me..."

     Zayn nods gently, placing his hands overtop of Niall's transparent ones. "I can try..." He sniffs.

     "Thank you, I love you Zayn"

     "I love you too Niall, I miss you"

     The two turn back to the tree, lost in their own thoughts when a gentle hand comes to rest on Zan's shoulder, causing the unsuspecting boy to jump a little. He turns to his best friend, Liam.

     "You okay?" Liam asks quietly.

     "No, not really" Zayn replies honestly. He turns to where Niall once stood, to find him gone. He doesn't really know if he imagined Niall or not, But all Zayn wants is for the blonde to come back, to hold him in his arms, to tell him everythings fine and this is just a bad dream.

     "C'mon mate, it's time to go home" Liam sighs and gently leads Zayn away from the tree, away from his last memory with Niall and into his car. Zayn silently stares out the window, willing the tears brimming his eyes not to fall.

     "I'm sorry Niall" He whispers before closeing his eyes and drifting off into a deep sleep.


That was....yeah idek haha but yeah send me some prompts maybe?? :)

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