2. Zouis: I'll Always Be Here For You

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Tumblr Prompt: Can you do Zouis when Louis comes home one night covered in bruises but he wont tell anyone why and then Zayn his bf finally gets him to tell and he was raped or just beat up or somthing and it's like a really deep moment and zayn could say something like 'I'll always be here for you' and then they kiss and yeah..(:


(Zayn's POV)

It's been a week since that night, a week since Louis actually looked me in the eye. I don't know what's wrong with him, everytime I asks he says he's fine and that nothing's wrong. But something is. A week ago he came home, I could tell he'd been crying and he had a few bruises on his arms that weren't there when he left. I have to force him to eat and I can touch him without him flinching away from me. I feel like he doesn't like me anymore, that maybe he got bored. I'm not sure but I'm lost, I don't know what's wrong and it's killing me.


"Well?" I ask impatiantly, starring at Harry standing in front of me.

"Man I don't know, he wont say a thing to me!" Harry sighs, running a hand through his curls.

I groan.

"Maybe you need to try harder" Harry states.

"What do you mean?, I've tried everything, he wont tell me!"

"But you accepted it. Do you love him?" Harry asks, throwing me a little off gaurd.

"What? Of course I love him!" I defend.

"Well then get into that room, and don't take no for an answer! Tell him you ain't leaving until he tells you whats wrong!" Harry says.

I stare at him for a few moments, proccessing what he just said. "My God Harry you're a genius!" I pull him into a tight bear hug. He chuckles and hugs me back "Whos buddy, save the huggin' for Lou!" He says, I just smile.

After Harry leaves I go into the kitchen and make some luch to take to Louis because I don't think he has eaten anything today. I carefully push the door to mine and his shared bedroom and walk over to him.

"Hey Lou, I assumed you would be hungry so I made you some lunch" I say softly, setting it down on the night stand and kneeling next to the bed.

"I'm not" He whispers, not looking me in the eye.

"Louis havn't eaten at all today, you gotta' be hungry!" I insist.

"Well I'm not!" He spits.

I sigh, "Louis please just tell me what's wrong! I want to help you!"

"I'm so scared Zayn..." He whimpers, this time he does look at me, and I can see tears brimming his eyes. I reach down to to hug him but he flinches away.

"Why are you scared Lou, what happened?" I ask, and before I even know what's happening he's on my lap, beside the bed crying his eyes out. "Shh baby it's okay" I try to soothe.

He lifts his face from my shirt, "No! It will never be okay, nother can ever be okay again" He sobs.

"Louis please just tell me what happened to you! I can help you" I say planting a gentle kiss on his forehead; and for the first time this week, he didn't flinch away, he melted into me.

"I..I can't, you'll hate me! You'll think I'm disgusting!" He yells trying to climb off me, but this time I wont allow him to leave without giving me answers.

"Lou" I breathe "I could never hate you, even if I tried!"

He stays silent for a few moments before in the smallest whisper ever he chokes out "I...I was r...raped" before burrying his face into my chest to sob harder.

My blood boils. "Who?" I ask angrily.

"I...I don't know, It was dark...." 

I pull him closer to my body and place soft little kissses in his hair, whispering to him that everything would be okay, that I will help him get through this; until he finally clams down.

"I'm..so..sorry" He sniffles.

"Hey no, don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong it's all going to be alright" I murmer pulling his face up to mine, where I gently kiss his nose. He gigles a little. Only a small one, but it warms my heart all the same.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just thought you'd think I'm disgusting and hate me" he whispers.

"You can tell me anything, any problem you have! I'll always be here for you" I say softly. A warm smile spreads across his tear stained face as he pulls me into a sweet loving kiss.

God I missed his lips.


I rewrote this in more detail so if you're interested in reading that, skip to number 36(:

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