14. Zarry: You Look Good On Your Knees

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Prompt:Okay so Zayn is seducing Harry during and interview. Harry is getting horny and can't take it. So when they get home ehem ehhh something happens ;)

Oooh wey hey, first smutty prompt... Hot.    I changed it oh so slightly, hope ya dont mind :3

Warning: S a bit dirty.


It’s the little things that Zayn does that seem to drive Harry crazy. Sometimes it’s the flirtatious looks, the smug little grins and seducing winks. Other times it’s the touches, may it be the subtle ass grab here and there, or the way Zayn traces his fingers over Harry’s skin, the way this long fingers play gently with Harry’s curls when they’re all cuddled up in bed.

Basically, Zayn’s really good at making Harry horny.

The five members of One Direction were all crammed onto one couch, sitting through their third interview that day, and Zayn was growing bored.

Zayn wasn’t sitting directly next to Harry. No, Liam was between them, conveniently hiding Zayn’s sly little moves on the curly haired boy.

Zayn’s fingers gently traced over the back of Harry’s neck, causing shivers to run up the younger’s spine.

“So Harry, in one word, how would you describe your life at the moment?” The interviewer asked as Zayn’s fingers gently travelled down his back.

“Mmm amazing...” Harry moaned involuntarily, almost immediately realising what he’d done. His eyes widened and he felt his cheeks heat up.

The interviewer raised an eyebrow, as Harry sent a glare at Zayn who was smirking smugly to himself. “Well,” She said, slightly shocked. “That’s good... Uh how about we play a game now?”

Harry buried his face in his hands, he was embarrassed.

The woman got up to grab a box filled with random things and Harry turned to Zayn. “Cut it out!” He whisper-yelled. Zayn only chuckled.

“No way, where’s the fun in that?”

“Please, I’m begging you!”

Zayn only winked in reply as the interviewer returned with her mystery box.

“Okay, so I thought I’d test your imaginations. Basically, you pick something from the box, and act out what you imagine it to be and the others have to guess what it is. For example, if I were to pull out a plate, I would have to pretend it’s something else... Like a Frisbee. Understand?” She explained excitedly.

There was a chorus of yes’s.

“Awesome, Liam would you like to go first?” She asked.

“Why not?” Liam grinned and stood up to rummage through the box.

As soon as Liam was gone, Zayn slid across into his space, placing a hand on Harry’s knee and gently tracing little patterns on it.

Harry’s eyes widened and he quickly slapped Zayn’s hand away.

“Stop it!” He hissed.

“Stop what?” Zayn asked innocently, batting his eyelashes slightly.

“Tracing your fingers over my knee, you know that drives me crazy.”

Zayn leaned over, his lips lightly brushing against Harry’s ear as he whispered, “Yeah? Well guess where these fingers are going when we get home.”

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