38. Ziall: The Last Thing I See

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 Prompt: ‘At the end of the world, or the last thing I see, you are never coming home, never coming home. Could I? Should I?’

Short Ziall based off the music video for The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance. I've attached the video on the side if you wanna’ watch it or just play the song as you read (:


Zayn knew when he enlisted to fight for his country in the war, he’d be surrounded inescapably by death, but he never expected it to affect him as much as it did.

Zayn knew when he enlisted to fight for his country in the war, that he’d be away from home for a long time. But, when Zayn enlisted to fight for his country in the war, he never expected that he’d fall in love, especially not with a bubbly blonde from Ireland.

Zayn remembered when he first met the Irishman, Niall was his name and they’d met when the troops had returned home for only a week before they were set to storm the beaches of Germany.


It was a little past nine at night and already, Zayn was bored, tired and ready to go to bed and sleep his nerves away. It was hard for him adjusting to the fact he was no longer in a war zone having lived in one for almost three months.

They had just arrived back in England and the soldiers were to be sent home to their families the following morning, but for now they were at a dance where the wives of a few men had been invited to show up for an informal dance.

There was a nice little band playing up on the stage and Zayn was sat in a seat off to the side, a glass of beer in his hand as he listened to the song being sung to him.

‘And all the things you never ever told me.’

The line seemed to bounce around Zayn’s skull, he was thinking back to his family and all the things he’d never told them, all the things he never would if he were to die during this war. He was thinking of all the things they’d probably not told him also, things he may never hear them say.

It’s a little insensitive considering our predicament huh.”

Zayn turned to face a man with the bluest eyes he’d ever seen, quickly finding himself mesmerised by their beauty.

Uh, yeah I guess... It feels a little too personal.” Zayn replied.

The beautiful stranger nodded his head in agreement, “It really seems to just fit our current situation perfectly. I’m Niall by the way.” He smiled, extending a pale hand out to shake Zayn’s much larger, tanner one.

Zayn.” He smiled back.

Well Zayn.” Niall started, turning away and facing the band once more, “You look awfully bored.”

I guess,” Zayn replied, his eyes not leaving Niall’s perfect side profile. “I was just thinking. This all feels so surreal not having to watch my back for gun fire and I have only been here a few hours.”

Niall nods his head and hums in agreement. “It is a little weird, I feel the need to shoot something, and that fact alone terrifies me.”

Yeah, that’s got to be the worst part.”

The two fall into a silence, and Zayn begins to wonder, why Niall, a man with an Irish accent too think for him to be from England is here, with the British soldiers. Though it’s a question he never gets a chance to ask when Niall is talking once more.

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