23. Ziall: Clumsy But Cute

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Prompt: Quiet and reserved art major Zayn meets clumsy but cute English major Niall.

It’s just cute Ziallness (:


Zayn finally emerged from the art class, he was the last to leave, but that was nothing new especially with an important assignment due in two months. Two months seemed like a long time, but when it comes to art it’s really not long enough, especially for a perfectionist like Zayn.

It was only two thirty but campus seemed almost empty as the other classes had either started or finished, everyone was coming and going at different times and Zayn loved the peace of the hall, he never was one for loud places. Peace and calm was where he was completely content.

Zayn paused to listen, he could hear feet running but before he could deceiver what direction it was coming from, something or someone slammed into the back of him, sending him crashing to the ground, his art folder slipping from his grasp as it hit the ground, opening on contact sending all of his paints and brushes and papers scattering everywhere.

“Oh my God I am so so sorry!” Came the frantic voice from behind him.

“So so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

Zayn hadn’t bothered to look up, he was to busy scanning the ground to make sure none of his hard work had been ruined.

“Here let me help you.”

And then there was someone kneeling down in front of him, gathering all of the stray tubes of paint and securing the lids to make sure they hadn’t loosened when they hit the ground.

“I’m really sorry, I really need to pay more attention to where I’m going. Oh God, I hope none of your stuff is ruined.”

The boy had obviously dyed blonde hair, you could tell by the showing brown roots but at the same time it didn’t look tacky, it looked nice, almost as if it was planned. He was wearing thick black framed glasses and his eyes were just so blue.

The boy suddenly stops gathering the paints and places he ones he had in a neat pile before crawling over to Zayn, “I’m such and idiot, I didn’t even think, are you okay?”

Zayn stared into his wide blue eyes filled with concern before they changed into one of realization and he started to make odd gestures with his hands. Sign language. Zayn suddenly realized he hadn’t responded to the boy so he obviously assumed he was deaf.

“Uh, yeah I’m fine.”

The boy signed something else but Zayn couldn’t actually understand sign language so he had no clue what he was trying to say.

“It’s okay, I’m not deaf, I was just in shock.” Zayn replies and watches as the boy blushes, adjusting his glasses on his face.

“I’m so sorry, I was rushing and I wasn’t watching where I was going, I didn’t even see you I-”

“It’s okay man, I’m okay, all of my things appear to be okay, everything is okay, you’re forgiven.” Zayn interrupts, smiling amusedly.

“Oh good, I’m still so sorry,” The boy then goes back to gathering the paints and brushes while Zayn stays sat in the same place on the floor, he’d never met anyone like this boy before he was just so awkward and silly that Zayn couldn’t stop the fond smile from creeping across his face as he finally moved to collect his papers.

“Aw, man I’m so sorry.”

Zayn turns to see the blonde holding up Zayn’s case of now broken pastels.

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