4. Lirry: Battle Scars

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Tumblr Prompt: Hey, Can you do one where Harry has this boyfriend whats abusing him and he's to scared to tell the others but one day Harry's boyfriend takes it to far and he somehow manages a text or call to Liam and Liam goes and saves him and then it's like realy fluffy Lirryness? Pweeeeeessee



Harry groans in pain as yet another punch is thrown at his stomach.

"Finn stop..." He groans almost in tears.

"Harry I told you, I wanted the bed made, but you didn't do it. I have to punish you!" Finn sighs, kicking Harry to the floor.

"I..I'm sorry, Liam was, talking about an interview we have today!"

"What time?" Finn asks, pulling Harry back to his feet.

"In about two hours" Harry sighs checking the clock on the wall.

"Right, go and get ready" Finn says. Harry turns to go into the bathroom. "Oh and Harry.." Finn calls after Him. Harry turns back. "You know I'm sorry for hitting you, but need to learn! I love you!"

"Yeah I know, love you too"

Harry steps into the bathroom and turns on the shower and strips his clothes off as he waits for the water to heat up. He stands in front of the mirror, his torso is covered in bruises, all at different stages of healing, he winces as he prods at his most recent ones. Sighing he steps into the shower and lets the hot water relax his tense body. He can't remember a time when he wasn't getting hit daily. He never told anyone though, they didn't need to know.

"Harry hurry up you'll be late! I've layed some clothes out on the bed for you wear!" Finn yells.

Of course you did Harry thinks to himself as he steps out of the shower.

When Harry first met Finn he was so nice and sweet and caring. but after a few months he had changed and Harry found himself trapped in the never ending cycle of an abusive relationship.

When Harry had fully pulled on the clothes lain out for him he went out to the living room, to Finn.

"I have to go now, I'll see you later tonight okay?' Harry says quietly.

"Give me a kiss" Finn demands.

Harry sighs before standingon tipie-toes to kiss his boyfriend. "Good, I love you. Now have fun and be home by 9 wont you?"

"Yes Finn bye!" And with that Harry runs from the apartment and into his car.


The other four boys sit around the lobby of their hotel, waiting for Harry to arrive.

"He's late!" Zayn declares.

"This has been happening a lot lately!" Liam says.

"I hope everythings okay.." Niall adds.

"Do you think that Finn might be abusing him?" Liam wonders out loud.

"What do you mean?" Asks Louis.

"Well, he hardly ever spends time with us now, he's almost always late, he flinches if you move to suddenly, and he was limping the last time I saw him..." Liam trails off. The others hadn't really noticed it.

"Guys," Says an annoyed looking Paul. "We've had to cencel the interview, tell Harry he needs be on time all the time, not just when he feels like it!" Paul grumbles and stalks away.

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