39. Ziall: I Don't Wanna' Come Back Down From This Feeling

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Prompt: Zayn doesn't realize how gorgeous Niall really is, that is, not until now. He might just have to blame his weed intoxicated mind, but the way the blonde boy sways his hips to the music, beer in hand & smile out for show has Zayn double thinking everything. In a night of drunk Irish boys & high Bradford men, the duo hit off to the road where they sit atop a bridge with the view of the whole city. Story's are told & confessions are made that lead one thing to the other.

Woo this is such a pretty prompt, it's very short but I might make a part 2 for it a bit later on. (:


Zayn was high. There was really no denying it, he’d promised that he’d stay clean until at least his final exam; but as the saying goes, ‘promises are meant to be broken’.

Zayn pushed his way through the mass of hot and intoxicated bodies, dancing to some remix of a generic pop song. Usually, house parties weren’t really his scene, he didn’t like the overly loud music, or the much too strong smell of alcohol. But when his senses were taken over by weed, he really didn’t mind so much.

“Zaayn!” A familiar voice slurred in his ear.

Zayn spun around to see none other than Niall. Niall was a bottle blonde Irish lad who sometimes hung around with his group of friends. He was cool Zayn had decided, quite cute and quirky. Very entertaining. “Oh hey man.”

Niall giggled, bringing the bottle of beer he was holding to his lips and taking a swig, “We... We should mos’ definitely dance.”

“I don’t do the whole dancing thing.” Zayn replied, slightly distracted by the odd tingly feeling he felt as he watched the blonde’s lips wrap around the tip of the bottle.

“Yeah,” Niall replied, “But it’s the last Saturday of the month so...”

Niall’s logic was fucked up, but Zayn didn’t care as Niall tightly gripped his hand and pulled him back into the crowd of dancing people that he’d only just managed to escape. Zayn didn’t mind as Niall began to sway his hips teasingly to the music, the bottle of beer gripped loosely in his left hand, his eyes closed and a small smile on his face.

Zayn had never seen Niall as anything more than a guy he sometimes hung around with, but maybe it was the dim lighting, or his marijuana fuelled brain, but suddenly Niall was beautiful. He was this stunning creature drunkenly dancing in front of him.

Zayn let out a breath of air and plucked the joint from the hand of a guy dancing near by and taking a long drag, holding the smoke in his mouth until he had to blow it out to breathe.

“Why’rnt you dancing?” Niall asked, stopping what he was doing to pout at Zayn, who simply shrugged, took another hit and began to sway to the music.

The pair danced together until Niall keeled over and threw up, all over the carpet of whoever’s house they were currently in. Wordlessly, Zayn wrapped and arm around the blonde’s waist and led him out into the front yard for fresh air.

“Thanks.” Niall smiled up at Zayn through his partially hooded eyes as he held onto the pillar holding up the front veranda.

“Any time.” Zayn couldn’t help but stare at the way Niall’s arm muscles flexed as he used them to support his weight.

The pair stood in silence for a while, Zayn not really sure what to say, and Niall too busy focusing on keeping the remainder of the alcohol he’d consumed in his body. “Let’s get out of here.” Niall finally said, letting go of the pole and leading Zayn to his car.

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