10. Ziall: People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine

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 This is just really short fluff basically ^_^

Prompt: Ziall comes out to the world and some of the hate is a little overwhelming.


Niall and Zayn had officially come out as in a relationship to the world. It had been a week, and even though there was a little hate, it was nothing too serious.

“Niall, I'm going out to get some things for tea, I'll be back soon.” Zayn calls out.

Niall comes bounding into the front hall from where ever in the house he was and jumps into Zayn's arms, “I'll miss you.” He mumbles into the older boy's neck.

“I'll be like half an hour!” Zayn chuckles, “But I'll miss you too.” Niall climbs up on tippie-toes and gives Zayn a quick peck on the lips.

Niall watches Zayn leave before heading into the lounge to watch some telly. He sees his laptop on the table and decides to go on twitter.

His mentions were flooded with some of the usual “Marry me!” Things but most were about he and Zayn.

@niallofficial @zaynmalik, you two are seriously too cute!”

@niallofficial I've shipped Ziall since like forever!”

@niallofficial, you and Zayn kill me”

Niall smiled and continued to scroll through, ignoring most of the negative things, but some were harder to ignore than others.

@niallofficial you don't deserve to be with Zayn, you're too ugly.”

Ew Ziall is gross! Zayn should be with Liam! @niallofficial”

@zaynmalik you can do sooo much better than @niallofficial... I mean look at him! Ew”

@niallofficial, you need to leave zayn alone, he doesn't need you, nor does he like you!”

Niall gasped and slammed the laptop closed

'It's okay',He told himself, 'They don't know us.'

He sat staring at the telly that was still turned off, trying to ignore the comments, those people didn't know, they were just jealous.

'But am I good enough for Zayn?

The question swirled around in his brain, what if he wasn't, what if Zayn was unhappy being with Niall?

Niall brushed it off, Zayn wouldn't be with him if he didn't want to be. Niall knew Zayn wasn't the sort of person to do that.


When Zayn arrived home, he put the shopping bags in the kitchen and headed to lounge to find Niall.

When he walked in, Niall was still staring at the blank t.v, looking to be having so internal battle with himself, while unshed tears sat in his eyes.

“Niall?” He asks softly.

Niall snaps out of his mind, his head turning to face Zayn, and when their eyes meet, the tears finally fall.

“Niall, what's happened?” Zayn asks, rushing over and scooping Niall into is arms.

The only response Zayn gets is a heart breaking sob.

“Shh.” He coos pulling Niall closer, “It's okay, whatever it is you'll be fine,” Zayn soothes.

“Th-they say I-I'm not-t g-good en-enough.” Niall whimpers.

Zayn's heart clenches, “Not good enough for what babe?” He presses a soft kiss to Niall's forehead.

“For... For y-you...” Niall hiccups “Am... Am I not g-good enough? I can ch-change.”

Zayn feels his eyes well up with tears and he suddenly finds himself furious with whoever made his Niall so insecure. “No baby, you don't have to change, don't you dare change! I love you, you're perfect just the way you are.” Zayn reassures, pressing a soft kiss into Niall's lips.

“I love you Zaynie.” Niall whispers.

“I love you too my angel.”

“Can you sing for me?"

Zayn ponders what to sing that would fit the moment, only being able to come up with 'Ours' by Taylor Swift. He can't remember how the beginning goes, but sings anyway.

Seems like there's always someone who disapproves, they'll judge it like they know 'bout me and you,” Zayn sings softly.

And verdict comes from those with nothing else to do, the jury's out but my choice is you.”

Niall relaxes himself in Zayn's and gently shuts his eyes.

So don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine,” Zayn feels the tears he was trying so hard to keep in fall gently down his cheeks.

And life makes life look hard, the stakes are high the water's rough, but this love is ours."

“Zaynie, don't cry, we're okay.” Niall say upon feeling Zayn's tears gently falling into his hair. Niall gently places a soft kiss to Zayn's jawline.

“Yeah, we're okay.” Zayn smiles, wiping his tears with his sleeve.

Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine, but they can't take what's ours, they can't take what's ours, the stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is ours.” They sing together.

This love is ours.”


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