21. Ziall: Exactly Why I Walk And Talk Like A Machine

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Tumblr prompt: drabble called “exactly why i walk and talk like a machine” in which we get insight on a session where management is telling zayn and niall how they have to act less like a couple

It's mostly dialogue and a few harsh words also.


Zayn sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day, running a slender hand through his already messed up hair as he leaned forward in his seat.

“I don’t understand.” He replied.

“What is there not to understand Zayn?” The man before him was tall and thin, he looked like a right knob with his shitty moustache and official looking clothes. Zayn didn’t know his first name, he didn’t care for it, this man was just another member of the band’s management. His last name however, was on a small plaque on the door to his office: Robb.

The name was quite ironic really because this man, Robb was robbing Zayn of something important. His freedom. Not all of it, but he was just now being informed that he and his boyfriend Niall were not to be seen alone in public together because the fans were slowly starting to pick up on the Ziall bromance, as being maybe a little more than close friends.

“This,” Zayn gestured around the office. “Everything. Why can we not be alone together? What does it matter if the public finds out? Who cares because I certainly don’t, I want the world to know I’m in love with a guy and I’m happy!”

That comment put a small smile on Niall’s otherwise distraught face.

“This isn’t about what you want Malik.” Robb spat Zayn’s last-name with so much disgust it made the Bradford boy flinch slightly. “This is about the band and it’s success. A band of five, fit, straight guys will be more popular with most of the world’s population of teenage girls. It’ll give them hope, make them think they actually have a chance. A band containing three straight guys and couple of fags, will do increasingly less well.”

“Who cares?” Zayn says, his voice getting louder as his anger bubbles, “The real fans will stay and the fake fans will leave, we’ll have a more sincere fan base!”

“Weather it comes from true fans or not, money is money and that is the main goal here.”

“That’s bullshit!” Zayn yells, standing up from his seat, the force making it crash to the ground.

“Zayn calm down.” Niall whispers, he’s mad too, but he’s doing his best to control it; he doesn’t want to make the situation worse.

“Calm down? Niall does none of this bother you!”

Niall opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by Robb. “Obviously not, maybe Niall here was hoping for this, he clearly doesn’t love you the way you thought.”

“That’s not true!” Zayn spits as Niall too rises from his chair.

“How would you know?”

“Fuck you!”

“Niall doesn’t love you!” Robb screams.

“Now hold on just a-” Niall starts but is once again cut off by Robb.

“He never loved you.”

“Shut up!” Zayn screeches, clamping his hands over his ears like a child.

“He never will love you.”

“Hey-” Niall tries to speak once more.

“How could he possibly love you?”


“You’re all shit!” Zayn snarls.

Zayn and Robb launch into a screaming match yelling harsh words, hurtful insults and snide remarks at each other as Niall tries to get them to stop because all of this yelling is too much for him, it’s freaking him out and he’s unsure on how to approach the situation.

“Your kind is not welcome on this planet.”

“It’s wrong for you to love each other.”

“You’re both utterly disgusting.”

All of Robb’s words bounce around Niall’s skull until he can’t handle it any more.

“LET ME SPEAK!” He screams, causing Zayn and Robb to stop their bickering to turn their attention to Niall’s distressed features, silent tears falling steadily, leaving glossy tracks down his flushed cheeks.


“No Zayn shh,” Niall holds up a shaking hand to silence his boyfriend who looks about ready to cry too.

“What is the point of this stupid meeting anyway?” Niall turns to face Robb who’s wearing an unreadable expression. “Why are we in here huh? Is it so you can insult us, degrade us, make us feel like total shit because of you... You a homophobic bastard because this, mine and Zayn’s relationship has absolutely nothing at all to do with you. Yeah okay, we’re being a little bit more touchy and intimate in public than you and your shitty company would like, but seriously who the fuck cares. Who cares if the band looses fans, if they truly like the music, they’ll continue to buy it and if they hate us so much because me and Zayn are two boys in love then fuck ’em.”

“You can tell us to tone down on the affection, but you have no right, absolutely none, to tell us to avoid each other in public and even less of a right to call us rude and degrading names such as fag and disgusting. You need to back the fuck off buddy, because maybe, just maybe if you’d try being nice for once in your pathetic little life, we’d listen to you. If you would allow us to fucking speak and negotiate then we’d actually get somewhere and these stupid meetings wouldn’t be such a massive waste of time for the lot of us.”

Zayn stares wide eyed at the blonde because he didn’t know Niall could be so assertive and fuck this Niall was extremely sexy and Zayn’s glad that Niall stopped when he did because he’s unsure how much longer he’d be able to control the beast hidden in his trousers.

After a few moments of stunned silence, aside from Niall trying to calm his breathing and the steady yet annoying ticking of the clock, Robb finally speaks again, his tone soft and quiet as he processes what just happened.

“Right.” He looks between both Niall and Zayn and then down at their hands that had subconsciously found each other during Niall’s rant before continuing. “I suppose this can be a topic of negotiation as long as you keep it at a reasonable manner.”

Zayn and Niall exchange an encouraging glance before turning back to face the man leaning on his palms against his desk.

“I suppose the two of you can spend time alone in public, but you must, not should, not maybe, you must act as though you are nothing more than friends; meaning no pointless touching, no ‘heart eyes’ only friends and it cannot be too often and keep as down low as you possibly can. Fair?”

Zayn gives Niall’s hand a gentle squeeze as if to say ‘it is probably the best offer we’ll be given’.

The pair give a short nod in confirmation.

Robb releases a sharp breath. “Now get out.”


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