40. Nouis: Only Time Will Tell

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Prompt: Niall has been in the military at least a year since him and his husband Louis adopted their first child and Louis had been told via letter that he could get a call from Niall. He ends up sitting near the phone through the weeks and he finally gets a call. But Niall talks to long and as punishment he can't call Louis anymore. Louis wakes up one morning and realizes that there is a letter to him and Louis gets scared that Niall had been killed but one day Louis opens the door and....surprise me!

Okey dokey, I know these next few are super late... Like actually months late and for this I apologize I've had some stuff to deal with(:


It had been weeks. Five weeks, three days, and roughly seven hours since Louis was supposed to get a call from his husband. He'd been counting.

Louis' husband Niall was in the military and had been sent away six months ago to a location that was classified, and in that time Louis had received only one letter telling him that all was well and 'I will call you in a week my love.' But that week had turned to five and Louis was slowly starting to lose hope.

Louis knew he couldn't put his life on hold forever, he knew he couldn't carry the phone with him around the house. He knew he would have to eventually stop doing the grocery shopping online and actually leave the house. But what if he missed the call? What if the day Louis gave up was the day that Niall reached out?

He was driving himself mad.

"What are you doing bub?" Louis stood from the kitchen table and walked into the lounge where his three year old son was knelt at the coffee table scribbling on a piece of paper.

"Drawing you, and me, and Dad." The boy responded not looking up.

"It's lovely Zayn." Louis replied glancing over the child's shoulder.

"When is Dad coming home?" Zayn asked, his wide brown eyes finally lifting from his picture and up into Louis'.

"I'm not sure baby." Louis sighed, sitting down next to the child, "Soon I hope, but until he calls, we'll never know."

Zayn nodded and sat down in his father's lap. "I hope soon." He says, "Daddy, I miss him."

Louis wraps his arms tightly around his son. "So do I, and I know that he misses us too. Now, let's get you dressed, Liam will be here soon to take you to playgroup."


It was a further three days before the phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Louis had the phone answered on the second ring.


Louis almost threw the phone across the room out of sheer overwhelmment of the familiar Irish accent. He'd imaged answering the phone to the love of his life over and over, day after day; but he was totally unprepared for the real thing.

"Have you lost a sense of time, because your definition of one week feels a lot like five to me."

Niall laughed, a sweet sound that Louis had missed profoundly, "Sorry, we were ambushed and had to get ourselves, and our defences sorted before we were even allowed to think about making a phone call."

Louis smiled, "I'll forgive you, but only because I love you."

"Not as much as I love you." Niall replied.

"How are you anyway?" Louis fussed, "Are you hurt?"

"I am absolutely fine babe, a little cut up and a little bruised but nothing too major. How have you been? How's Zayn doing?"

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