42. Nouis: A Little Better

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 Prompt: They are both toddlers and best friends but in high school (time skip) Louis start to forget Niall and Louis a popular and Niall's being bullied and Louis finds out and they both have a mean full heart to heart where they express there feelings for each other.

Found this in my drafts, I can’t remember who requested it but...


Niall could remember very vividly in his mind his first day of pre-school. He could remember being terrified because of what his older brother had told him. He remembered clinging to his mother’s leg crying, begging her not to leave him there with all of these unfamiliar people. Niall could remember how one boy, with bright blue eyes and soft brown hair toddling over to them and asking,

“Why are you crying?”

“He’s just a little scared, it’s his first day.” Niall’s mother had explained.

The brown haired boy crouched down so that he was almost at Niall’s height, “You don’t need to be scared, everyone is very nice here.”

“See,” Niall’s mother leaned down and attempted to pry the toddler’s death grip off her leg, “I told you, you had nothing to be scared of.”

The boy smiled, big and bright, “My name is Louis, I’m almost four, what’s your name?”

“N-Niall.” The small boy whimpered, letting go of his mother’s leg but standing up and gripping her hand.

Louis smiled even brighter and glanced up at Mrs. Horan before looking back at Niall, “You can be my best friend Niall if you want to.”

That was the first day Niall and Louis had met, and the pair had grown to be very close, though Niall always had to learn to adjust to the fact that Louis was a year older him, and would start elementary before him. He had to adjust to only seeing Louis during breaks in middle school as they were always put in different class levels. So Niall tried to catch up to Louis.

Niall never bothered with making very close friends in classes, he spent his time trying his hardest to get perfect scores on all of his tests, and eventually all of his hard work paid off and he was put up a year level. He was finally in the same classes as his best friend.

But Louis was a social boy, he would talk to anyone who had the time to listen to him, and although he welcomed Niall into his friendship group, it was never just two the two of them any more. Except for when they’d have sleep-overs at each other’s houses during the weekends and school holidays.

Niall never really minded, he learnt to adjust.

But Niall never really did adjust to the massive change in high school when Louis was accepted into the popular group and Niall was not. He was never told he wasn’t allowed to join them, but he could see the way they all just looked at him as the person that followed Louis around. Niall had tried to tell Louis this, but the elder boy took no notice.

“Lou, they don’t like me, can we just go back to hanging out as just us two again. Please?” Niall begged.

“Don’t be silly, of course they like you. They wouldn’t let you hang out with us of they didn’t.” Louis replied reaching across the table to grab a gummy bear out of the giant bowl of lollies the pair had bought for their sleep-over.

“They hardly talk to me!”

“That’s because you never talk to them.”

“That’s because I know they don’t want me around!"

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