19. Ziall: We're Ten Thousand Miles Apart

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Prompt: Ziall is loosing the spark in their relationship.


The feeling of the bed shifting awoke Niall from his sleep, but he didn’t open his eyes. He heard Zayn head to the bathroom and turn the shower on. He waited until he was sure Zayn was in, before stretching out and showing that he was awake.

Niall lay there and listened, snapping his eyes shut when the water turned off and Zayn re-entered the bedroom. He listened to rustle of Zayn dressing him self, his footsteps as he retreated down the hall, the sound of the front door opening and closing, and finally, the sound of Zayn’s car down the driveway as the Bradford man left for work.

When he was sure Zayn was gone, he gently eased himself out of bed, and into the bathroom to begin his morning routines.

It never used to be like this; Niall hiding from Zayn in the mornings, but as of a couple of months ago the two seemed to be drifting further and further apart.

One of Zayn’s closest friends, they’d known each other basically their whole lives, had passed away. Suicide.

Zayn took his death hard, he blamed himself because he didn’t notice that Will was sad. He felt like he should have, they were best friends for christ’s sake. Niall remembered how Zayn had cried for ages, clinging to him like he’d disappear. Niall had never seen Zayn so sad in his life.

Ever since the funeral Zayn seemed to close himself off from everything and everyone.

Niall hid from Zayn in the mornings because it was better than the horrible silence the seemed to swallow them. They hadn’t had a decent conversation in a while, only awkward small talk when Zayn arrived him from work before he’d plop down in front of the telly until dinner, and even then he’d thank Niall for the food and take it back to the lounge, leaving Niall to eat alone at the dinner table.

The hadn’t intimately touched in a while, not even a simple hug. When they were in bed at night, Zayn sleep as far away from Niall as possible. Niall would usually wait for Zayn to fall asleep before scooting closer and cuddling into his sleeping boyfriend.

The distance was slowly killing Niall and he didn’t know how much more he could take until he snapped. Niall often found himself crying at the most random times. Sometimes, he’d be wasing the dishes, tidying the house, even grocery shopping; Niall would remember how he and Zayn used to be so in love, so happy and he wouldn’t be able to stop the tears.


Niall shuffled around the house making sure everything was in place, Zayn was due home soon and Niall was less than excited.

Zayn’s arrival always brought awkward silences and a heavy atmosphere.

The sound of Zayn’s car pulling into the driveway startle Niall from where his was sitting thinking on the couch, he quickly flicked the TV on and waited for Zayn to enter.

“Hi.” Niall greeted as Zayn walked in. Zayn answered with a simple nod of the head causing Niall’s smile to falter.

“Good day at work?”

“It was okay.” Zayn replied simply as he headed on through the house to where ever he was going.

Niall tried, he really tried to keep the tears in, but he couldn’t. He could see the end, it was close, he and Zayn’s relationship had ended weeks ago and he was just now realizing.

“Hey Niall, have you seen my- Are you crying?”

Niall wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and took a deep breath. “I’m fine.”

“Oh... Anyway, have you seen my suitcase? I was gonna’ stay with a few friends for a while.”

Niall’s fragile heart shattered right then and there. “Um.” He sniffled slightly, fighting off the new tears. “It’s in the closet by the um... the stair case. How long are you going for?”

“Haven’t decided yet.”

“Zayn what happened to us?” Niall asked timidly.


“Have I done something wrong because you never talk to me any more. What’s this relationship doing because I don’t feel like sitting around here waiting for any more. Why wont you talk to me?”

Zayn was a little taken aback, he knew he was being withdrawn from the blonde, but looking at him now, trying his best to stay strong even though he was dying inside, Zayn only then seemed to notice how his actions were affecting the younger lad.

“Niall, you’ve done nothing wrong."

“Then why do you act as though I don’t exist? Do you still want to be with me, because if not, tell me because I really don’t know any more.”

Zayn didn’t say anything for a few moments before walking forward and pulling Niall into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered. And Niall broke into tears, he didn’t know what Zayn was apologizing for.

Was he sorry because it was over or was he sorry for ignoring Niall for all that time.

“So, so sorry.”


When Zayn emerged from the bathroom the next morning, a towel hug loosely from his hips he walked over to the bed and placed a soft kiss to Niall’s forehead, watching with a fond smile as his eyes slowly fluttered open.

“I love you.”

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