32. Ziall: I Adore You

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Prompt: Niall just really loves Zayn.

Short fluffy drabble :3


When you say you love me, know I love you more,’

Niall didn’t really know what it was, but when it came to Zayn he just felt like his entire heart was going to burst.

He loved the way Zayn’s body felt when they were laying together in bed, he liked the way Zayn’s eyes crinkled and his tongue pressed to the back of his teeth when he was laughing or just smiling, genuinely happy.

Niall loved the way Zayn’s eyes would light up when he’d talk about something that he was passionate about, he liked the way Zayn was so kind and so patient and gentle. Niall loved the way Zayn’s finger tips danced lazily across his warm skin when they were cuddled up on the couch.

He loved the way Zayn said his name, in his morning voice, his lustful voice even his angry voice made Niall’s name sound like it had been spoken by angels. He loved the way Zayn would creep up behind him and pull him into a warm hug while whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

Niall liked it when Zayn would go out of his way to plan the perfect date for the two of them; even when there was no special occasion and even when the date turned out be a disaster, they still felt perfect because Zayn was always there, and just being alone with Zayn made Niall feel like every little thing, every little problem and worry were irrelevant, they didn’t matter any more because Zayn was there to make everything better.

Niall lived for the times he’d arrive home from work to find Zayn asleep, tired out from the day’s events and either tucked safely away in warmth of their bed, or curled up on the couch; Niall loved the peace and calm on Zayn’s face and he liked to be the one gently coax him awake. He’d cover Zayn’s face with tiny kisses while whispering all the things he loved about the older man. Niall liked to watch the small smile on Zayn’s face grow as his eyes fluttered slowly open as he was pulled from sleep in the best way possible.

Niall loved the way Zayn hummed as he washed the dishes and he loved the way he sung beautiful songs when Niall was unable to fall asleep. He loved the way Zayn told stories about a prince with beautiful blonde hair and his noble knight with eyes the size of the moon who was always around to defend the prince’s honour.

He loved Zayn.

When you say you need me, know I need you more,’

Niall loved the way they fought; he loved the way their arguments were small and easily resolved. Niall loved the way Zayn always admitted when he was wrong, and even when it was Niall who was in the wrong, Zayn was quick to forgive. Niall could commit murder and Zayn would eventually forgive him.

He loved the way Zayn was always there for Niall to lean on when he needed support, and he loved the way Zayn was always understanding, how he always had the time to hear Niall out before jumping to conclusions.

Niall loved Zayn’s warmth, he loved the way Zayn’s strong, tattooed arms pulled him close and held him tight when he cried, he loved the comforting words that tumbled from Zayn’s plump pink lips as he pressed kisses on the top of his head.

He liked how Zayn was always so open; how when Zayn was sad, he didn’t push Niall away, he talked. He’d tell Niall his problems and worries and he’d let Niall comfort him.

Niall loved their togetherness, he loved how Zayn never made important decisions without consulting Niall first. He loved the loyalty, he loved the way Zayn stood by him even when what he was saying was crazy and unreasonable.

He loved the safety Zayn provided, how whenever Zayn was near he never felt threatened or afraid of anything because Zayn would take on one hundred men for him, Zayn would take a bullet for him and Niall would happily do the same.

Niall loved how Zayn always knew when there was something wrong, how Niall never had any time to feel insecure because Zayn was like his own personal shower of compliments. Niall loved Zayn’s empathy, he loved Zayn’s passion.

Niall loved Zayn.

Boy I adore you,’

Niall loved the way Zayn could hide away in his art room and paint for hours, he loved to stand silently in the doorway and watch Zayn paint, sketch and draw, he like to listen to Zayn sing softly to himself.

He liked the way Zayn was able to make him smile, even when he didn’t want to, even when there was nothing to smile about, Zayn always found a way. Niall loved Zayn’s sense of humour, how he could be funny without insulting a person’s race, religion or beliefs.

Niall loved to be in public with Zayn; he loved that Zayn wasn’t shy or embarrassed about their relationship. He loved how Zayn could proudly hold his hand, proudly pull him in for kiss while ignoring the harsh and judgemental stares and comments of those around him.

Niall loved the way Zayn smelled of shampoo and aftershave, he loved the way Zayn had tried to give up smoking for him, the way that he could now make a full pack of smokes last a week, sometimes more because for Zayn, Niall was a good distraction, the best distraction.

He liked the way Zayn respected him, the way he didn’t force him to do any thing he didn’t want too. Niall loved how the sex wasn’t meaningless, how it wasn’t too rough and quick. He loved the slow feverish passion they shared in their most intimate moments.

Niall loved the feeling of Zayn’s lips pressed softly against his neck, the way his arms snaked around his waist when Zayn would creep into the shower with him. Niall liked the ‘cure all’ soup Zayn made when he was ill and he loved the way stayed by his side no matter how gross and sick he looked and felt.

He liked the way their bodies fit perfectly together, almost like jigsaw pieces when they lay cuddled against each other in bed on cold winter mornings. Niall loved how Zayn would take hold of Niall’s fingers and subconsciously fiddle with them as they talked, how Zayn would press tiny yet passionate kisses to his knuckles.

Niall liked the way Zayn danced around the kitchen when it was his turn to cook and liked the way he’d lift Niall up off of the ground when he was excited about something. Niall loved Zayn’s tolerance of him when he yelled at the sports players on TV, how sometimes, even though sport wasn’t where Zayn’s focus was, he’d take Niall to see his favourite teams live.

He loved watching Zayn open presents on Christmas morning. He loved when Zayn drew him. But most of all, Niall loved Zayn being the last thing he saw when he went to sleep at night, and he loved Zayn being the first thing he saw when he woke up. He liked the sense of belonging Zayn provided.

Niall loved Zayn a lot.

I adore you.’


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