29. Ziall: With The Wind

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Prompt: Niall’s always had a habit of taking a joke too far.

This is weird as hell, there ain’t nothing cute or fluffy or even remotely romantic about it; it’s just kinda morbid and depressing... I apologize in advance.


Hey Zayn, it’s me. I know I probably don’t have any right to say this but I miss you...

I don’t want to gloat but everything has turned out pretty great for me. I met someone, his name’s Louis, we’ve been together for exactly one year tomorrow. Louis’ great, he’s sweet and funny, a real family man. I can tell.

I know you’re probably wondering how I could possibly have met him considering I only got out of the young offender’s unit last month. He was my shrink’s son. I know, not ideal, but hey he used to come in every Wednesday after his school let out and I guess we kinda just hit it off.

Me and you, we were both thirteen when we met, I remember.

I remember your big brown eyes how they’d look up at me with confusion and fear from where you sat in that mud puddle that drizzly Monday morning. I remember it because I was the one who pushed you into the mud in the first place, thought it’d be a right laugh I did.

Honestly, when you stood up and decked me one one right in the face; I was a little taken aback because you just looked so harmless and defenceless sitting alone reading some dumb book.

It was the start of a beautifully dysfunctional friendship.

I liked picking on you Zayn, I wont lie. But I think I was most attracted to the fact you wouldn’t let me get away with it like most of the other kids. When I insulted you, you insulted me. When I punched you, you punched me right back.

I developed quite the crush on you.

I think it was your eyes. Even when you were mad they were just so big and pure, like you didn’t mean a single hurtful word you spat at me. I know you didn’t. You were such a kind person and even though you should have hated me down to the last molecule, you didn’t.

I remember how on your fourteenth birthday, you brought some biscuits that your mother made to share with class. I remember you saying,

“Niall, mum told me I shouldn’t give any to you because you’re a bully, she didn’t pack one for you so here, take mine.”

I honestly don’t know why I didn’t stop tormenting you after that. Actually, I do.

I liked you, I liked, liked you and giving you hell was the easiest way for me to get your attention. I was a stupid teenage boy, we do dumb things to be noticed and honestly, I always thought you secretly liked what friendship we had.

I would defend you from the older kids, the ones that picked on you souly because of your religion. They were stupid fucks. I remember the time I found you, sitting under the tree right at the very back of the field, you were crying. So upset over something they’d said to you.

I sat with you, comforting you for hours, we missed two classes but I didn’t care. I was the only one who was allowed to make you feel shitty about yourself Zayn. Not them, not anyone.

I learned so much about you that day. You told me how you couldn’t swim, and how you liked to draw.

Then we were sixteen. So young, and we were just starting to see the world from a more grown up point of view. I was still a dick to you and you still didn’t take me seriously, though the moment we shared under the tree still remained in the back of our minds.

School was finished for the day and on my way home, I saw you sitting by the lake with your drawing pad perched on your knees, you were sketching it. I still have the unfinished pencil drawing. It stays folded up and tucked safely in my wallet.

I came down and called you the usual names and you ignored me, laughing at my futile attempts to make you notice me the way I noticed you.

I’m still haunted by my actions that day.

I snatched the pencil from your hand and threw it into the lake. You yelled at me to retrieve it for you, but I didn’t. So you went to do so yourself.

I should have left it there. I should have gone home and left you alone, but I didn’t. Instead I pushed you into the water. It was shallow, only up to your knees but you were so mad at me, and all I did was laugh and shove you under.

It was all just a joke I swear. It was supposed to be harmless. I was only trying to scare you as I held your head under the water, I liked the way your body kicked and twisted and squirmed with pure fear as your breathing became more and more restricted.

I planned to let you go. To let you resurface, but when I felt you go still, I knew I’d taken it too far.

I didn’t mean to kill you Zayn I swear it!

I should have pulled you out, I should have lay you down on the stones and tried to resuscitate you. If I had of acted fast, I would have been able to save you and I know that now.

But back then, as I watched your body sink, I panicked. I had no idea what to do, so I buried your art pad and your backpack somewhere on the bank and then I went home. And I cried.

I changed then, I turned to drugs and alcohol, that’s how I ended up in the young offender’s unit.

It’s your eighteenth birthday today and I’m still the only one who knows the truth. Your body was never found and to this day, you’re still a missing person. As far as your family knows, you went to school that morning, and never made it home.

Your disappearance set all of the parents and local authorities into a frenzy. We were retaught about being street safe and not talking to strangers and all that, but you weren’t dumb Zayn, you didn’t trust a sleazy man in a shady van. No. you were just to nice of a person to scum like me.

Six months after you drowned your family had a funeral for you, for closure I guess. I didn’t go I came at sat with you here, at the lake.

I’ve been treading water this whole time and I’m finally starting to tire. I’ll be with you soon Zayn and this time, I swear to treat you right.


Also depending on what part of the world you live in, this could be a lil late but... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!

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