The message and drinks (2)

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NOTE: The image of this chapter is the "message" of today's chapter, you'll know what the message means at the right time.


POV Lauren Jauregui

Camila Cabello, that was the name of the girl that I almost "killed", I shook my head letting out a chuckle while opening the door of my apartment. She looked so sweet but also firm, she was elegant and her mesmerizing hair would be ones doom, I gave her my card, I decided to be firm by doing so and stating that she was going to show up at the club tonight, have you heard that story that if you throw positivity or certainty to the universe, he will conspire in your favor and make it happen? Well, maybe I wanted to see her again.

I had spent a lot of time with Britt today, she was a lovely brunette, she had beautiful breasts and the sex wasn't that bad, I was so exhausted from having to get rid of that assholes dead body, that after a night of sex with her I allowed myself to sleep in her apartment, but I left before she woke up, I was terrified of getting attached in relationships, since my mother died, I vowed to never create anymore connections and I wouldn't, Britt understood that but I couldn't risk it.

I undressed myself, put on a gray robe with black details, I turned on my bathtub and opened the cabinet that was on the spacious bathroom, I grabbed a mint bath bomb, I enjoyed using it and today was a special day, I needed to refresh myself, free myself from last night and its events, I waited a few minutes and turned it off. I took off my robe and got in, feeling in my body a nice burning, I was marked, scratched and bitten, Britt liked to be a little rough with me but I can't say that I don't like it. Since I'm always taking the reins of everything around me it was nice to be dominated from time to time.

I got out of the bath and I heard my phone ringing, it was her, Britt:

-Bonjour. - I said smiling.

-You bitch, I woke up alone.

-Dear Britt, you were suppose to sleep alone too. - I let out a malicious chuckle, I went to my nightstand and grabbed a cigarette lighting it up.

-I thought that could change, Laur... - she said with a sly voice from the other side.

-Oh! Don't be naive my love. - I swallowed the smoke letting it out in a hurry.

-Fine! I was really just calling to scold you.

-Was it not enough all the atrocities you did to me last night? - I asked chuckling.

-I'll make it worse next time. - I heard my phone beep, I looked at the screen and there was a call on hold, it was my father.

-Britt, I have to go, I'll see you later.

-Take care beautiful. - that was the last thing I heard her say, I ended the call and answered the man who claimed to be my father:

-Lauren, daughter...

-Excuse me?! You filthy pig, don't call me daughter. - I said pulling harder the smoke of the cigarette that was between my fingers into my mouth.

-Don't speak to me like that...

-I speak the way I want to, you are disgusting, just tell me what you want.

-When will you move on?

-Look at how ridiculous you are, I only keep in touch with you because of Taylor, if it wasn't for her I'd have probably killed you, one day I'll take her from you. - my words came out so firm and full of hate, ugh how I wanted to kill that rat.

-You left home very early, you have no rights over your sister.

-I'll ask one more time... WHAT DO YOU WANT?

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