Dinner (42)

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NOTE: Don't forget, this chapter and the next few ones are part of a series of flashbacks of what happened during those 3 months that passed. Be patient :)


*Flashback still On*

POV Lauren Jauregui

Heavy rain fell outside, splashing against the windows, washing the whole Island. I decided to dedicate all my time to my sister Taylor, I owed that to her, just like she owed me some explanations.

"Taylor." I called her. She was focused on a movie, not paying any attention to me. I rolled my eyes for being ignored. "Taylor!"

"Hmm." She grunted without looking away from the TV.

Taylor grew up too much, she grew up without a mother by her side, to help her and advise her in the 'tough' times of her life. And I failed her as well in that regard... I left her alone with that man, and didn't help her go through the tough times she had.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, scolding myself for being a lousy sister.

"Taylor." I called her again, and this time her eyes met mine. With her eyebrows arched, Taylor probably wondered why I had interrupted her.

"I know that my name is beautiful, but if you keep calling it, sooner or later it will tire my ears." She grumbled in a mocking tone before throwing a pillow at me. I dodged the object and stared at her seriously.

"You're so gonna pay for that!" I got up from the couch, and without letting her react, I attacked her with the several pillows that were on the other couch.

"LAUREEEENNN! STOP!" Taylor shrieked, writhing, as I attacked her. Our laughter flooded the whole house, bringing the joy that it hadn't witnessed for a long time. "F-for th-the love of God..."

I stopped instantly, still laughing, and ran my hand through my hair, tossing it to the side, away from my face, to then sit down beside her. She was still laughing, trying to take deep breaths to catch her breath.

Little by little, my breath, just like Taylor's, went back to normal. We remained sitting, staring at each other, a broad and very happy smile gracing our faces.

"You've grown up so much, Taylor." I whispered without taking my eyes off her. "I know I was never a good sister to you... I... I'm sorry." I lowered my gaze to my hands, which played with the rings I had on my fingers.

"Lauren, don't say that..."

"Shhh." I interrupted her, looking back at her. "You know it's true, Taylor, you've already grown up without your mother, and to make things worse, without your big sister as well! The only female figure in your life. I'm so sorry, even though I'm completely fucked up, I'd do anything for you, I still do! Maybe you wouldn't even be with Rob, and much less doing drugs." Taylor's countenance closed as soon as I mentioned Rob's name, and I shook my head to make it clear that I hadn't finished yet. I brought both of my hands to hers, holding them. "Taylor, if I were by your side, I'd have done everything for you to be everything I couldn't be... A normal teenager, like those whose only concern is school grades and the most popular boy in school." I lowered my head, letting out a nasal chuckle. "Well, I think I'll skip that part of the most popular boy in school."

"Laur, I know that." The girl said. My eyes were fixed on our hands, where I was doing a light caress with my fingers on the back of her hand.

"What I mean is that I just wished you did all those things in their own time." Using my free hand, I caressed her face lightly. "You grew up so fast, little one, you don't know how much it hurts me to see you involved with drugs and with a man who doesn't even deserve to step on the ground you walk on."

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