Haiti (23)

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NOTE: Guess what... I'M BACK!! With a lot of free time ;) Please read the note at the end of the chapter. Good luck.


POV Camila Cabello 

-Allow me to say how beautiful you look, Deputy Cabello.


-What? Just speaking the truth. – he said with a wink. This was the price to pay for working with flirtatious men.

-Don't make me regret having brought you. – I said laughing cynically.

-What? N... No, I'm sorry, this is the case of my life. – Mark was whiter than he already was. I started laughing and he got embarrassed.

-It's okay, I was just kidding. – a torturous silence hung in the environment.

My hand grabbed the collar of my bulletproof vest, pulling hard, checking it one last time. Me and 5 other agents were inside the black van finishing the final preparations. I grabbed my baby, taking one last look at the cylinder, to then put it in the holster of my belt.

-I found it strange that you didn't bring Dinah or Veronica with us.

-Well, I've always been very professional and... – I stopped and took a deep breath – Today is a complicated day...

-Dangerous... – he completed and I nodded.

-I don't want them involved in this, unfortunately my heart spoke louder. – I smiled weakly and he nodded, pulling me and giving me a kiss on my forehead.

In this operation I opted for not bringing my two best agents. I know, it wasn't one of the best decisions, but I couldn't handle knowing that something could happen to Veronica and Dinah. I simply couldn't. The two of them weren't very happy with my decision, they wanted in on this mission, but they'd understand.

-Deputy, we arrived, we'll stay here near the site.

My heart was in my mouth, I had done this a few times, but there was no use, in every time I'd feel as if I was being pushed off a cliff. Adrenaline, that was the main reason why I chose my profession.

-You seem a little nervous.

I looked at the young man who was looking at me with a worried countenance. I don't know, but some strange feeling ran through my body. I shook my head, taking a deep breath, pushing away the bad thoughts.

-Yes, I'm fine, just excited and a little nervous.

I didn't lie when I said that I was excited, I must say that going into combat is one of the things I most like to do. Cleaning the streets from bad guys and monsters was something very gratifying, it was why I studied and dedicated myself at the police academy, not to stay behind stacks and stacks of papers, doing TV interviews, trying to explain cases that were hard to solve, like the Maniac's. I smiled at Jacob, transmitting him confidence.

-You already know what to do, right? – everyone in the van nodded – Never, under any circumstance exchange shots in places where there may be civilians who are not our targets, even if it costs you your life.

-We don't have much time. – I heard Caio say.

-Alright, this operation will not be easy at all, after months of investigations and thanks to the inside information, today we are finally going to clean the Haiti area. I repeat, you already know what to do, keep the groups like in training and under no circumstances exchange shots near innocent people, even if it costs you your life.

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