Choices (9)

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POV Camila Cabello

Everything was so rushed in this police station, I hadn't been able to even have lunch, I was with my stomach glued to my back, but I couldn't stop in that moment, eating would be a luxury. I was sunk in my investigations of the maniac, after all I needed to give answers, answers that I didn't have.

I spent the morning interrogating people and more people and nothing of what was said was relevant. I took a look at the forensic reports, and the only thing noted is that our killer had a lot of anger when he committed the crimes, not to mention the brutality, because every time, the bodies come to pieces. And what intrigued me is that some of the victims had their bodies stabbed after death, which indicated that the person was very angry. Would it be some kind of revenge? I wonder this because human skin is very hard to be perforated with such great depth, one would have to be completely out of his mind to do that. What was also discovered is that the victims are rapists, that was 100% confirmed, thanks to my sharp suspicion.

It seems I have in my hands some kind of vigilante, which in a certain way left me admired. I was truly relieved to know that someone didn't go around killing people brutally, I know that is lack of compassion on my part but I truly didn't care. This maniac saved more lives than the ones he took. Catching him would be a matter of curiosity, honor or whatever. I would like to sit with him or with her in an interrogation room and tell him "Hey, I know your story, I accompany you from the start, please, tell me your motives".

I had an incredible collection of the titled Maniac Polaroid. Some pictures of the victims' dull eyes, notes and now a CD. Everything fitted. Exactly everything. The CD with the song that said "I want to use you, to abuse you", it was a message from him, probably the tip that made my instincts flourish. The first note, however, is the one that left me more shocked and surprised. In my investigations I found out that the first note it's a mental map, a mental map is used for information management, for learning. Mental maps are used when you don't want to forget something, you make a mental map with key words, which helps to memorize. And that was what the Maniac did, he doesn't want to be forgotten , he wants to be remembered, it was genial, because on the map he put parts of the United States anthem, perhaps it's a message from him, perhaps he doesn't want his country to forget about his "justice". And coincidentally in the center of the paper among the shuffled sentences there's the name of the club where Lauren works, Twilight's Dawn. Oh God, what to say about Lauren?! She doesn't get out of my head as well. Actually, everything reminds me of her, everything leads me to her, the feeling of guilt is the worst of all, it doesn't leave you alone.

I shook my head, I had already spent a lot of time in this police station, my head was dizzy, I needed to eat something. My thoughts were interrupted when the shrill sound of my phone started ringing, I grabbed it from the desk, annoyed, but smiled when I saw the number on the screen:

-Sofi! – I said excitedly.

-Kakiiiii! How are you?

-I'm great, when will I be able to pick you up?

-I called for that, can you pick me up now?

-Sofi, I'm in a police station, this is no place for you.

-But Kaki, I don't mind. – her voice was sad on the other side of the line.

-But I do, little one.

-Fine, I'll wait for you to get out of there then.

-Dinner will be you who will prepare.

-Okay, Rob won't be there, right? – Sofi seemed bothered by his presence.

-I don't know, we haven't scheduled anything, but he's my fiancé, Sofi, he can go there whenever he wants. – I said and heard her huff on the other side.

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