Hurricane (22)

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POV Camila Cabello

After those days with Lauren and Sofi on the island, my head felt like a complete disorder, not only my head, I confess, but I couldn't do much, I didn't have many way-outs.

I returned to my work, which by the way was a lot. I had to leave the Polaroid killer a bit to the side, I had new cases, I was informed that while I was with Lauren on the island, a completely tortured body had been found, and now I was on my way to the autopsy room. Not to mention that today I would have to be in an investigation regarding the Haiti case, one of the biggest drug points of Miami, and also where one of the leaders would be the suspect of having killed Luck. Luck's murder had many holes, we just didn't dig further by request of the family, they didn't want to know the truth, and since everything appeared to be a drug case and because it involved a powerful drug dealer of Miami, we decided to file the case. I don't know how I can continue in this profession. A lot of the times we have everything, evidence, witnesses and competence, but we can't fulfill our service because everything revolves around the mafia. Luck's case with that drug dealer was more than an example of this corrupt system, and unfortunately I couldn't do absolutely anything.

But with the Haiti case, there's a slim chance of things working out. We have been patient and we've waited, but now it's the time, we have powerful witnesses and strong evidence. Obviously nothing about it would be peaceful, it would be practically an invasion.

I arrived at the autopsy room, opened the door and found Dinah, Ally and some people from forensics.

-Damn, that's nasty. – Dinah grumbled looking away from the dead body in front of us.

I approached the small table where everyone from forensics did their proper hygiene protocols, and I took a pair of gloves from a small box and put it in my hands, then I walked back to the corpse. Ally appeared next to me.

-Where was the dead body found?

My eyes observed every little detail, I had the strange habit of analyzing the features of each corpse, and well, this one had a softness on his face that made me a little frustrated, who would die happy?

-Well, he was found by a gravedigger in one of the graves that had been dug. We analyzed the site and we are certain that that wasn't the place of the crime. Do you see his arms? – Ally asked next to me pointing to his handless arms, I just nodded my head – As you can see he's practically handless, something very heavy hit them, breaking them into pieces. – Ally pointed to a pot full of some pieces of flesh – The cut on his throat was how he died, the dry blood on the corner of his mouth shows that the victim choked on his own blood before dying.

-We went to the crime scene, there was no trace, not even footprints. – Dinah said looking at the body with certain disgust – Without leaving any trace, that looks like the work of...

-Maniac Polaroid. – I completed with my eyes fixed on the body.

-No, it can't be, Deputy. – Ally said drawing our attention, I turned my eyes away from the body to pay attention to what she had to say.

-Why can't it be, Ms. Brooke? – Ally adjusted her glasses with the tip of her finger, looking at us.

-Well, even though the visibly tortured victim matches the serial killer we are looking for, he was killed with a deep cut in his throat. – Ally explained pointing to the cut in the victim's throat before turning around and going to a small table.

I approached the shorter one who was holding some pictures of victims, all of the Maniac Polaroid.

-As you can see here in the photos and also in the reports, he tortures even more the victims and with this one, the person seemed in a hurry to kill, a cut in the throat shows the desperation or anger for something that the victim had said.

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