Family (41)

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NOTE: New book cover :) Do you guys like it? Okay, so, this chapter and the next few ones are going to be a series of flashbacks of what happened during those 3 months that passed in the last chapter, what Camila was up to, and how she got to the warehouse. A lot of questions will be answered in these chapters.


POV Camila Cabello

*Flashback On – 3 Months Before*

"Mom, it's okay, I'm satisfied, thank you!" I said, rejecting the fourth sweet that my mother was offering me.

"You look so thin, mija, I don't know what happened, but you look very down." I sighed heavily, remembering the days I spent in bed without eating anything, just feeding my mind with memories of Lauren.

My father approached, running his hand through my hair, comforting me, giving me the affection I needed in that moment.

"I know, I haven't really been feeding myself well." I confessed. "Mom, dad, I want to tell you something, it won't be easy." I got up from the comfortable armchair to stand before them, who stared at me with wide eyes, as if waiting for the pronouncement of the apocalypse.

"You're worrying us, sweetie." My father said. He leaned back on the armchair and rested his elbow on the arm of the furniture, and then scratched his chin. "Sofi." He drew the attention of the girl who was watching some show on TV attentively. "You better go to your room."

"But dad..." My younger sister grunted.

"No buts!" He scolded her with his tone and with his gaze.

"No, dad, leave Sofi here, she's a big girl, well, in my eyes at least, and I also want to talk about her." I said, and Sinu adjusted the glasses on her face impatiently.

"What are you going to talk about me, Kaki?"

"Sofi, you can stay, but only if you remain quiet, okay?" I asked, and the girl just nodded her head without saying anything.

"Come on, Camila, you're making me nervous." My mother got up and crossed her arms under her breasts.

"I'll start from the beginning..." I took a deep breath, making a pause, trying to mentally organize the subjects by topics, because there was so much to talk about with that family. "When you kicked me out of the house-"

"I thought we had already moved on from that." Sinu interrupted me.

"When you kicked me out of the house!" I repeated in a louder tone, in protest so that they'd let me continue. "I was just a teenager, only God knows what I went through out there, having to live in relatives' homes as a favor until I was financially secure." I said, and saw Sinu lower her gaze, the woman showed all the regret in the world in that moment.

"We were religious fanatics, but what matters now is that after you got into a coma, a lot of things changed, Camila." Alejandro defended himself.

"I haven't finished." I said firmly. "Well, it happens that kissing that girl didn't mean absolutely anything to me..."

"You kissed a girl, Kaki?" Sofi asked in surprise, and it was inevitable not to laugh.

"Sofi!" Alejandro scolded her.

"Anyways, I spent every day of my life trying to make you accept me back, trying to make you forgive me... How many times did I say I was sorry? How many times did I apologize?" Sinu exchanged a sad glance with Alejandro, and both of them lowered their heads thoughtfully. "Doesn't matter, I grew up, I educated myself, I have a promising career and I even got engaged, and that was what hurt the most, the fact that the forgiveness I wanted only came when I started having a relationship with a man."

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