Britt (54)

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POV Camila Cabello

As soon as we entered the airport, locating Britt wasn't very difficult.

Without further ado, Halsey and I made our way to the boarding gate, my heart was pounding in my chest, the eagerness to catch her was huge. When we got close to the place, we found Mark and a small team along with him. Britt was standing in a queue, waiting for her turn, her countenance didn't show a hint of concern, as if she was absolutely sure that she would escape.

"Brittany!" I called her, and in the same instant, everyone in the queue looked towards us, not only her. "You're under arrest!"

Surprised, she looked around, frightened, and the people near her backed away, breaking the queue. My team surrounded the whole place, preventing her possible escape. Halsey, who was next to me, approached Britt who looked at her in disbelief as she was being handcuffed.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney during interrogation; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you." I stood in front of her. "Did you understand your rights?"

Her eyes shot daggers at me, I could see the hatred through them. But I didn't let it intimidate me, I kept my posture superior and serious, never looking away from her, not even for a second. A sarcastic smile formed on her lips.

"Yes... Deputy Cabello." She answered, still staring at me. I balled my hand into a fist, her words came out of her mouth in a mocking tone.


My thumb roamed the rim of my cup, the scent of coffee invaded my nostrils as my eyes remained attentive to the woman who was handcuffed and sitting in the interrogation room. It was already past 10PM, we've been trying to interrogate her ever since we brought her in, but Britt was not cooperating, she remained silent, only giving a few short answers that were useless. Unfortunately, I couldn't participate, just like Halsey, because of our 'acquaintance' with the suspect. Through a thick black glass window, I accompanied her nonchalance with everything that was happening, it was extremely irritating. How can a person convey such calmness when she's done something so cruel? How could she close her eyes to sleep? How could she destroy the childhood and the life of an innocent child for money, for pure pleasure! Remembering Ramon's name among the other children's, innocent and pure children, made me grip my cup of coffee tightly.

"So, do you confess your crimes?"

"I already told you... I'm not saying anything until my lawyer is present."

"We've tried to get in touch with Mr. Simpson, but he doesn't seem to be very interested in helping you."

The smile on Britt's lips died, her countenance started to change as she started to lose hope. My stomach turned and my hands began sweating from just imagining seeing Robert again.

"He'll come!"

"Maybe not." The man said calmly as he took a sip of his coffee. "Come on, Brittany, you're a smart young woman, we both know that Mr. Simpson is involved in this mess."

Britt, bored, rolled her eyes and looked at him in a serious way.

"I already told you! He's just my family's lawyer!"

My blood boiled, I couldn't believe that even though he didn't give a fuck about her, she still had the courage to defend him, to cover up for him!

"Fuck this!" I grumbled, drawing Halsey's and Mr. Prado's attention, who were accompanying the interrogation beside me. In a hurry, I pressed the button that looked like an intercom and that allowed me to get in touch with whoever was in the other room. "Why don't you just tell the truth? Robert doesn't give a fuck about you-"

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