Scopolamine (8)

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POV Camila Cabello

The sun hit the window and reflected throughout the bedroom. For an instant I couldn't remember what had happened nor where I was. The fact that the room possessed a white ceiling with a centralized chandelier, a closet in the corner and a shelf with a TV and some decorative objects, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't in my house. I roamed with my eyes on the floor, and my pieces of clothing thrown across the floor made me remember where I was and especially, what had happened.

I massaged my temples and smirked, rolling across the bed to reach my phone. It was 8:15AM and I somehow got irritated with that. After some time and effort, I impulsed my torso to sit up on the bed. I looked around the room for the twentieth time in a short period of time of at least 5 minutes. It was inevitable a sequence of flashes from last night. I had had sex with Lauren Jauregui, it was impossible to say that I didn't want that for some time?! I did? Maybe, but that had come true, and it was when I least expected. My taste was something I had never felt before, it was explorable, it was mind-blowing. Her touches, her gaze that conveyed a parallel connection, but safe. Her scent and the way how she touched me was plausible. But I had completely forgotten about Rob, I knew that what I had done was wrong. He always loved me and never did anything for me to be suspicious of him, and I love him too... Yes I love him. But all this was like heaven and hell, paradise and darkness. I loved the tranquility that Rob transmitted, but I wanted to face the darkness and go deeper into the dark path that was Lauren. I didn't know what to expect when I got to the end, I could have good experiences, but I don't know. I was distraught and I had to solve that once and for all.

-Excuse me, am I interrupting? – Vero knocked on the door and without giving me any time to answer, she opened the door and entered the room, looking at the mess on the floor and heading towards the large window, opening the curtains – Did you sleep well?

-Good Morning, Vero. Yes I did, too much even. – I smiled weakly and put my feet on the carpet beside the bed, putting on a white silk robe – I was already going down anyway. But what about you? How was your night with Normani?

Vero stopped opening the curtains that revealed the beautiful day that was making outside the smoked glass, and pierced at me with her eyes. Perhaps that look answered my question, but I didn't even care. It was evident that Vero and Normani were having some kind of relationship that was more than a colorful friendship. It was as if it was stamped on her face.

-I didn't understand what you meant by your last sentence. – Vero turned around to continue what she was doing.

-Come on, Vero, I'm not an idiot. So please, you don't need to lie, we all know.

-Camila, leave me alone, okay? You better stop talking nonsense and go take a shower to come downstairs. The table is already ready and everyone's already inside their respective bathrooms, doing what you should also be doing.

-You don't need to be so rude. – I said sulkily, and Vero approached me, giving a light punch on my shoulder – Is Lauren also awake?

-And this interest in Lauren? – Vero squinted her eyes towards me, and I turned to meet her eyes.

-Veronica, leave me alone, okay? – Vero left laughing, and I huffed, going towards the bathroom.

POV Lauren Jauregui

I had woken up so fucking early and I wasn't able to sleep anymore, so I allowed myself to continue in bed until my body said "enough". I really would have done that if Vero didn't send me to take a shower and tell me to be downstairs in less than 40 minutes. I showered as I cussed mentally. I finished, dried myself, picked an outfit and went down.

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